Lies and statistics. Dems still care what republicans think and republicans don't care what democrats think, and it makes the meaning of the graph lopsided.

On top of that the thought process of some doesn't get detailed. The 12% of dems who don't think the trial should take place early or he's not guilty could be faking republicans or it could also be those oddballs who also hate ice cream and think they could eat a fish sandwich and crap out a live fish.

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All this drama is so pointless aside from the fact that Baby Huey is so self centered and arrogant that he still claims he won. So here we are with a whiny baby throwing tantrums round the clock.

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And I'm guessing that a good percentage of that somewhat sane 14% nonetheless think it would be perfectly appropriate to be convicted of a boatload of felonies and become president anyway.

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Trump needs this challenge on his Big Lie: to claim that he won the 2020 election is to disqualify himself from running for a third time in 2024.

Which is it, Mr. Trump? The truth (you lost) that allows you to run again, or the Big Lie, whereby you disqualify yourself?

(Just to be clear, I consider him declaring himself 6'3" and 215 pounds a whopper, not the Big Lie. The Big Mac Lie, maybe.)

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I'd enjoy seeing a lawyer opine about whether he's "estopped" from claiming eligibility.

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PAB will run from prison, lose and claim rightfully that he got the most votes for a prisoner ever.

I can't wait.

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I am sure the Founding Fathers are face-palming in their graves that the party's candidate-of-choice is soon to be a convicted of multiple felonies, though they participated in their own insurrection and were surely felons convicted without trial in George III's eyes. Then again, they did not try to find a place in his court afterwards either.

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Speaking of George’s. George Washington is screaming from his grave, “I warned you of all of this, read my parting letter!!!!” (Or at least the summary).

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Seriously. It is good and wise.

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‘Tis a good letter.

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I think that locking them up is hardly sufficient.

The Orange Quisling and at least some of his vile spawn, in the pay of unfriendly foreign powers, made war on the United States.

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My dream would be to lock them all up in Guantanamo, with no support staff. They have to cook, clean, and everything else. No help. No escape.

No air conditioner, Plumbing breaks, too bad. Hell on earth for the rest of their days.

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Ta, Dok. Lock. Him. Up. And all his minions, also too.

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Speaking of who needs a laugh about the few days Trump has left, there's a fresh cartoon here


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it's interesting how the numbers among independents are roughly the same as the overall numbers.

certainly doesn't bode well when you need independents.

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Completely, utterly OT but...animal shelters around the country are taking in pets from areas hit by disasters, and many of them are full to capacity. If you have room in your heart and home and can make a lifetime commitment to an animal in need, please please please consider doing so. The need is so great right now.

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This. A lady friend, during a passionate moment once, asked me to put my full weight on her- (315lb powerlifter). There was a brief squeak, then an "OK, maybe not..."

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Aug 25, 2023·edited Aug 25, 2023

My husband is a big lad. He and i were having dinner with my mom and talking about the recent report of a 600 lb. Sumo getting married to a petite Japanese woman and our concerns for her well-being (/s). My mom said (she's from western MA) "Yah fahthah always said a gentleman rests his weight on his elbows." She looked at my husband and said, "Keep that in mind!"

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Oh, that's priceless!

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Or you could say "Stormy Daniels weighs in", and get a lot of "I see what you did there".

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The bar graph is ingenious and should be pinned to the top of the homepage. I want to see the bar graph every day until he's lockered up.

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On Jan 5 2021, three of my neighbors were still flying their trump flags. On Jan 7 2021, only two were. Those remaining two came down sometime after the end of January. I'm still waiting for those two to hoist a Trump 2024 flag, but he absolutely lost the support of that third neighbor after 1/6.

If trump were to theoretically lose one-third of his former base, which seems possible from this early polling, and is unlikely to actually gain new support among the "undecided," his loss in 2024, should he be the nominee, will be nothing short of epic.

Invest in popcorn futures.

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I'm hoping for "Biblical" myself. Like the kind of loss that absolutely destroys political parties for a generation or more.

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Dream on. I'm old enough to remember when that was said of the GOP after Goldwater in '64, and we all know what happened next four years later.

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And the GOP in 1964 was VASTLY different than the GOP is today. In fact they're not even the same party other than in name.

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I believe he is toast with the independents and he ain't gonna get elected with just his base.

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With No Labels pulling votes from Biden, and the Electoral College bias, his base is enough to scare me.

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No Labels doesn't even have a candidate and if they pick someone like Sinema or Manchin that won't affect Biden's numbers as the only people that would vote for those Quislings wouldn't vote for him anyway.

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Aug 25, 2023·edited Aug 26, 2023

Let's assume Biden v Trump, and despite the several trials, and maybe even a conviction or two, it's November '24 and Trump is not incarcerated.

In that scenario you gotta figure Wisconsin goes Biden, as does AZ, PA, NV, MI, probably GA, too.

OH might also go Biden.

That doesn't leave much of a pathway to 270 for Trump

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No, his base will have to start some shit. It will be absurd and poorly managed.

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Trump likely is confusing the primary race polls with the national electorate polls. I wouldn't be surprised if his staff is actively keeping the national data from him to keep him from ranting about that and digging an even deeper hole for himself than is already doing.

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Yeah big whoop he's winning the Republican primary.

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Well, yeah, but I'm saying the polls that he keeps bragging about going up in are probably just the primary polls, which yes he's going to win.

I saying he probably thinks and/or his staff is telling him that they are the general election polls. Like I said, probably shielding him from the actual polls because they don't want to deal with him having another temper tantrum, going on Truth or Twitter, and getting himself in even more trouble with the courts . He's doing enough of that already.

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