It makes him sound French, to go with his last name which means butcher in German and Yiddish.

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I don't watch movies with more than 5 characters- I can never remember who's who. So why would anyone want to put more than 140 characters in a tweet? and how?

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Pew! Pew! Pew!

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And the other 27% think you said "meth".

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Look, they've asked if Obama is the Antichrist, so this is pretty lightweight.

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There is literally nothing they won't complain about Obama doing, is there?

I have suspected this for a long time, of course, but damn it if this isn't the smoking gun.

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Why does Ari Fleischer get more than 15 minutes of fame?

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Most common response from 52% of GOP voters:

"What is Twitter?"

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If this is what we've got, this news day is in reverse.

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<i>Ari Fleisher had himself a nice case of righteous indignation</i>

Ari could probably pass for miserable if he'd just lightened up a little.

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