I have the same problem at times. Can be hard on the car keys.

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Yoko? The goof who shot him was obsessed with Jodie Foster IIRC.

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I love your "nym. It is so naughty.

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Do you really think that being under oath will make Trump tell the truth? Congress won't care if he gets caught in perjury, either.

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I know. But she broke up the Beatles and married Lennon. If she hadn't, he could well have been elsewhere that fateful day, and with us still.

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WTAF? Does trump have some sort of word virus that he's spreading to everyone around him? Kasowitz always sucked at his job but now he's speaking as incoherently as his douche-nozzle client.

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i actually used this name in a novel i just finished...just to see if anyone would notice...along w a fave of mine...hugh g. rection...which was actually in the charlotteville va ph book circa 1982...fo realz

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Let's say you're actually a good lawyer. Or even a minimally competent one. When you're considering taking on a high-profile client, one of the first things you do is check and see how well that client pays his or her bills.....


How likely are you to agree to take Trump as your client?

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Uh oh. Are goat-lawyers insane?

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Ha! I'm reading two library books: Keith Olbermann's Trump is Fucking Crazy (this is not a joke), and The Girl In the Spider's Web, the first Lisbeth Salander book by David Lagercrantz.

I'd just read Keith, but I get so fucking angry -- at everyone who voted for this shitshow, for whatever reason, everyone who voted for Stein or Johnson, and people like younger sister who stayed home. And the Electoral College, for not doing the ONE job they had. And James Comey for violating the Hatch Act with the email shenanigans so close to election day. And of course, Putin. Reading it is giving me PTSD, and it's almost the anniversary of 11/9. I really need a toke, and I can't have one. And the Republicans in Congress won't do anything, because he'll sign their give-it-all-to-the-top, take-it-all-away-from-kids-and-seniors-and-minorities-and-the-poor legislation.


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Thank you, and good shabbos. Shabbat shalom.

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Wannabe dictator, duh!

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When a lawyer does such a great job on the Trump University lawsuit, you're going to use him again, right?

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All I can offer is internet huggles. But yeah, that sucks.

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Somehow, we have to do karate on this man, and turn this strength into weakness...

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