Shifting funds around amongst family members before a highly publicized trial isn't a really good idea. Maybe they should start looking for the 'real killer'.

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Tom Cruise and John Travolta

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The camera adds ten pounds!

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Please tell me that this couple is not breeding.

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What are the odds she has a Confederate flag tramp stamp?

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Meanwhile, the Governor of the Great State of Florida is trying to get as many Bah folks as possible off the voting rolls - because it sure does look like (r)Money needs that state to win.

This time I hope the fucking Democrats are prepared. Watch "Unprecedented; the 2000 Presidential Election" if you don't believe me.

Dang! Here we goes again...

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I dunno ... the vibe I'm getting from this charming portrait says that it would take more than a paper bag to solve the problem.

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You just have to multiply their IQ values ... after normalizing. (100 = 1)

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Nothing between the ears is almost as effective as aspirin between the knees.

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Do you get the awful feeling that, at the end of the day, this pair will end up with their own reality show and/or Fucks Gnus contract, and a boatload of money from Amerikkka's more depraved media outlets?

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So...who you think's gonna play the Zimmermans in the inevitable movie?

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Her face explains why George carries a gun.

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