I hear there are elementary schools in Florida who need reading to.

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Not commemorating death gives the dead person a sad. Really, I think this is why we think it's necessary to go on doing it.

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Obama can come to my house for 9/11 festivities. We read "My Pet Goat" aloud, imagining we are President Bush in a nightmare where he can't move while his fellow citizens are falling from the sky.

Then we have a "Mossad agent" symbolically tip over two chairs. (It's actually my cousin wearing a Mossad agent costume.) Later a third chair will tip over after we detonate the plastic explosive hidden in its cushion.

From there we put on keffiyahs and dance like Palestinians. It's supposed to be a dance of sorrow, but it looks like a dance of joy. Palestinians have very nuanced dance style.

Finally we build a triumph mosque in the family room which is also the "community center" where we have the TV and cheese fries.

Sure hope he comes.

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WOW! You were only TWO BLOCKS away from ground zero*! That puts you <i>inside</i> the terror mosk. Did they decapitate you like they did to Sarah Palin's mannequin head? Did they subject you to triumphalist propaganda? Make you swim in their pool? ________________ * it's funnier this way

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WOW! You were only TWO BLOCKS away from ground zero*! That puts you <i>inside</i> the terror mosk. Did they decapitate you like they did to Sarah Palin's mannequin head? Did they subject you to triumphalist propaganda? Make you swim in their pool? ________________ * it's funnier this way

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Obama can come to my house for 9/11 festivities. We read "My Pet Goat" aloud, imagining we are President Bush in a nightmare where he can't move while his fellow citizens are falling from the sky.

Then we have a "Mossad agent" symbolically tip over two chairs. (It's actually my cousin wearing a Mossad agent costume.) Later a third chair will tip over after we detonate the plastic explosive hidden in its cushion.

From there we put on keffiyahs and dance like Palestinians. It's supposed to be a dance of sorrow, but it looks like a dance of joy. Palestinians have very nuanced dance style.

Finally we build a triumph mosque in the family room which is also the "community center" where we have the TV and cheese fries.

Sure hope he comes.

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Not commemorating death gives the dead person a sad. Really, I think this is why we think it's necessary to go on doing it.

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I hear there are elementary schools in Florida who need reading to.

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