I was a welfare caseworker in NYC back in the late 1960s and our clients got surplus food. Rice, dried beans, canned veg and meat and yes the cheese. I believe it was real cheese and certainly smelled and tasted ok, especially for free. At least recipients got some pretty real food. Nothing wrong with rice and beans if you are hungry. I was sorry when I heard the program ended. (Didn't it?)

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Holy FUCK! Thats just gross.

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Linda, I'm over halfway through your book, and could not agree more. None of these assholes has any concept of what work is like for the less-than-upper-middle-classes.

Btw, I made pesto today with what may be the last bunch of Greenmarket purple basil, garlic and parsley from the CSA, and close to the bottom of the bag of pine nuts. Yum.

My healthy habits could fill a book, and I'm certifiably poor. However, I did intellectual temp work, not the mind-numbing physical labor you and your spouse endured. Love, health, and peace.

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That's disgustingly hilarious.

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Almost. Kill off the poor, and there's no one to cook, clean, and launder for them, look after their kids, wash the dishes and mop the floor in their favorite restaurants, stock the shelves in their favorite stores (and refold and rehang anything they tried on so they can get it cheaper online somewhere), pick the crops that grace their bone china and fill their wineglasses, etc. Of course, many of the people doing those jobs have to hide or split when ICE comes calling, and many of them don't quite make minimum wage, inadequate as it is.

This quote is from Amanda Cohen, chef/owner at Dirt Candy, who pays her employees fairly:


"I've gone deep on the math and the reasons elsewhere, but the short answer is that I want to pay all my employees a better wage, and the only way to do that is to eliminate tipping and raise my prices by 20%. Originally I had a 20% administrative fee, but I've now rolled that 20% into the menu prices. Your meal still costs the same amount of money, only now instead of hiding 20% of the cost of your meal as a "tip" or "admin fee" it's right there in plain sight. This allows me to raise the salaries of all my staff, from my dishwashers to my cooks to my servers."

http://www.dirtcandynyc.com... has more, and so does the blog, accessible from the same website.

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Ehrenreich wrote the introduction for killermartinis's book, Hand to Mouth, which is superb. I'm just over halfway through it.

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Honestly, I don't know much about it. I just remember that my mom had some: it came in a non-descript foil wrapper, looked vaguely like American cheese and had a strangely plasticized texture. She lived in Bumfuck, SC (think dirt roads for miles) and I'm pretty sure the budget for DSS was zilch. Thankfully we only went there on weekends and in the summer.

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You forgot the peanut butter, which came in big cans (like Crisco cans), and the corn grits. Ahh, the corn grits. I have yet to find any available anywhere that equal their corny, gritty goodness.

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I just finished The Time Machine. I take some small pleasure in the idea that millions of years from now we will literally eat the rich.

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"I had to make a LOT OF PHONE CALLS to my DADDY'S FRIENDS to get where I am today!"

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That's not legal, anyway. Not yet. Get a medical card and visit your local dispensary.

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I blast through the 10,000 step goal on my Fitbit halfway through the day when I'm at work... except on days when I do higher-level manager duties.

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I hear what you're saying but I gotta disagree. Just beans and onions is not enough variety to keep you going for a week. People need greens, carbs, fruits...

Even non-organic fruit and veg is expensive when compared to I just got a job at a market and I have all the free (slightly damaged) produce I can carry. My grocery bills have PLUMMETED.

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Thanks for the memories. I do remember the pb and grits now that you remind me. Also some kind processed meat. It was 50 years ago.

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Yup, to alllll that up there. I manage shifts a grocery (and work from home on off days to ensure we have good health insurance cause I have a plethora of mental illnesses and can't go without) and my guy manages shifts in a kitchen. Yup. All kinds of yep. Two months ago he worked right through the flu cause there was literally no other option. Fuck those rich privileged motherfuckers. I hope they all get pnuemonia.

ETA: we both have college degrees and mountains of debt to go along with it, so double dumbass on those fuckwits

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