Sure, Tom Perkins, that's a real swell idea! We'll take a million dollars from you, and you get to say "these are my votes!"

Of course, you don't actually get to cast the votes. No, the people still get to do that, you just "own" the votes afterward. Much like when you buy one of those certificates for naming stars. You don't own the star, but your name gets attached to it in some record book somewhere. VALUABLE!

So, say in the last presidential election, say if you bought your million votes in California, you'd now own 593,000 Obama votes, 383,000 Romney votes, 11,000 Gary Johnson votes, 6,000 Jill Stein votes, and 4,000 Roseanne Barr votes. ROSEANNE BARR IS PRETTY FAMOUS, SO THOSE ARE PROBABLY WORTH SOMETHING!

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Make love, not war!

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i'd be pissy too if i had been married to danielle steele.

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Shhh.... let 'em spend the billions. It's quite an economic stimulus. And highly ironic since it's being spent to prevent the government from enaging in economic stimulus.

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Why not turn it around? They should be taxed according to how many legislative votes they've bought.

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<i>And if I had a billion dollars If I had a billion dollars Well, I'd buy you a K-Car A nice Reliant automobile And if I had a billion dollars, I'd buy your vote</i>

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Does Mr.Perkins not realize he would need a Constitutional ammendment, one that would undo parts of 3 existing Ammendments, to achieve this ?

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Is he aware that everyone pays taxes? Even if it's just sales tax on food, clothing, gas, cigs, beer & etc.

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Bazillion? I'd give this fella a nice Bazillion, just to hear him howl in pain as I rip the bandages off his pale, poultry-like skin, and now completely-hairless balls.

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<i>wealthy Americans who pay more in taxes should get more votes.</i>

Isn't that pretty much what our democracy has devolved into anyway?

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<i>“The Tom Perkins system is: You don’t get to vote unless you pay a dollar of taxes,” Perkins said. “But what I really think is, it should be like a corporation. You pay a million dollars in taxes, you get a million votes. How’s that?”</i>

Oh, I see, because money and votes are inherently valuable, whereas people . . .

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I'm still partial to France's methodology of culling the Aristocracy, with guillotines (um, guillotine votes, of course).

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Tony's concept of democracy seems a little feudalistic to me.

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Can we cook him first cause I want a bite.

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