But of course, Trump & GOPCo want to tear down Richard Cordray and the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau, because uh, REASONS.

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Nope, making it appear that Fred Rogers was making a rude gesture, implies he was ever rude, which is UNPOSSIBLE!!!

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All of these hostile words towards KillerMartinis when you could sum up your objection with a single gif or meme. Might I suggest: https://img.wonkette.com/wp...

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A de-contextualized screenshot of Mr. Rogers midway through singing "Where is Thumbkin?" An odd choice.

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I'm sure Mr. Rogers would be the first to tell you even he was rude sometimes. That said, you're right, he's not making a rude gesture; he's singing a children's song.

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I call it "revenge of the invisible hand"

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I'm having a day where I'm particularly thickheaded, as I don't understand why you call it that.

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Mostly I like to mock market conservatives with memes. (most of my jokes are only funny to me, I don't know why they let me write things for a wider audience.)

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Ah, I see. (Hey, if you can't amuse yourself with your own writing, then what's the point?)

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Christ these assholes

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Though it's a running econ joke really that The Invisible Hand is doing obscene things. There's actually a book titled that.

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Would you prefer Trump throwing a baseball? You continue sassing me, I'll post it. Last warning.

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I am sure Trump dismantling the regulatory agencies and repealing what few regulations we have wont end badly and crash the economy again.

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at least Bernie Madoff had a pyramid -

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