sssshhhhhhhh! don't explain to them that sex lube and car lube and other kinds of lube are not the same thing!

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Native russian speaker here. What you said was "the death of (a) sex film". A good translation in less than 4 words is an interesting challenge,

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and someday be President!

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Looking at you, Ivanka...

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Max Temkin (Cards Against Humanity) is planning to buy them too. https://www.reddit.com/r/po...

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I'd just like to know why anyone thinks a business would self-regulate itself out of profits.

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Uh oh, Glenny Becks is having a big old sad over how the wrong people are going to JAIL.Why can't HateWing media ever get a video-sting operation to work?

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Nope. No birth control. All about pregnancy. They advertise as offering "Free, discreet testing." It's really a business set up for no other purpose than to lure in pregnant women and guilt them into keeping the kid. They don't offer any medical services at all beyond testing. Not even prenatal services, although presumably they'd refer you if they were successful in breaking your will.

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I know how it is. The trolls get our hackles up and we're just loaded for bear, or whatever the expression is, which I think is sort of about shooting bears, so forget I said it.

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This is good news. However the lies they perpetuated will not die. They will continue to be spread by ignorant, lying anti-choice scum for years (or decades) to come. Pro-liars don't care about facts, they only care about controlling women.

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Smug, tight-ass Republican, control-freak face.

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Bring me...

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No. He's like all of his kind. He has no vagina or uterus, and wants to control people who posses them.

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California is a two-party state. No one may be recorded without their knowledge. And the right to privacy is enumerated in the state's Constitution. That's why Becerra charged these fools with 15 felonies.

And if they're journalists, even under the loosest of definitions, then I'm the Queen of Romania.

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No, that's Richard Spencer.

However, he's equally punchable. [see video]

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