
The RCC needs to go the way of the dinosaur, same as Islam.


Every practising Catholic is complicit in the rape and sexual abuse of children by their predatory priests.

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There's Ecclesiastical Latin and Classical Latin. Classical Latin didn't write any lyrics for The Byrds.

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And a few nice marble statues that would look great in my garden with a water feature and colored accent lights.

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Wow. So this is the story—I'm hoping Francis will ride it out.My personal shoutout to the man: Get some women in there and then we'll talk!

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"Love your dress, honey, but your purse is on fire."

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The greater ones mostly that would be your ansesters more or less. Plus realy useful little gods like of sewers and for jams. Calling on the jove or saturnos was risky as fuck outside of festivals which had to be done just so otherwise...Still fuck Constantine for adopting a mother Fucking death cult. And fuck Julian for taking that arrow and leaving us all in the hands of realigus fanatics

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"Viganò comes off like Ted Cruz, only whiny in ecclesiastical Latin."

Is ecclesiastical Latin different than regular Latin? Or valedictorial Latin?

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My father in law was a monk once opinion a time a gay monk in fact. He’s also a man vet and raised my wife and her brother on his own after his beard fell off.

A good man he no longer so much as goes to mass not that he doesn’t want to worship his god but rather that the fact that women can’t serve. The many priests and brothers that are gay as a tree full of munkys on nitrous oxide live a semi open lie and the work of the church the whole give everything you have and are instantly to the service of the poor thing” is left undone not for a lack of willing hands but in order to deny women and men that dare love men authoritie. Also can’t the church like burn bad priests alive or at least lock you in s monastery say on top of some Pontic mountain to be feed bread and water till you die?

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They have a couple paintings i wouldn't mind having.

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This happening here and there, the old people who go to them are dieing off and there are no young people to replace them. Yes, there are mega churches, but there are lots of empty churches, some being repurposed for better use, and some just falling into ruin. There are a few telling photographic collections online.

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While hearing the confessions of parishioners regarding "god" knows what kind of sexy stuff all the time. What could possibly go wrong? I keep wondering if it's about time for the church to call it a day, like the ancient Roman and Greek, etc. religions did.

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He wears it FABOUSLY darling!

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I'm a fucking vegetarian. It it just like me saying 'I only eat vegies guys!' while you watch me with a fucking T-bone that I am cutting up and eating. They have ZERO adherence to what they pretend to be. They aren't just liars, they are SUPERliars as their pretend vows of no sex is apparently intended to cover UP THE HUGE AMOUNT OF SEX THAT ALL PRIESTS HAVE WITH MEN, WOMEN AND CHILDREN!! We KNOW they do... and they still pretend. Are they that sure we are all stupid or gullible or so afraid of their pretend friend?

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To hell with political correctness... https://uploads.disquscdn.c...

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I wouldn't say it was the most reactionary when at least it accepts evolution, vaccines etc. and said good bye to snake handling many centuries ago. That said fuck them. The Pope lives in a castle made of gold while people beg outside. Sell some of the art Frankie and really do some good.

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