Made her look good, and important. All she really cares about.

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When do they not?

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Who, like Archbishop Idiot, aren't doing their jobs properly.

I'm sure they'll start thinking they have a say on accepting them, much like they obstructed the appointment process for sending them.

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Kim Davis and her numbskull Liberty Counsel lawyer better watch their asses, too. Like Michael Corleone on the day of his nephew's baptism, don Francis likes to settle all family business in one montage sequence.

"You have to answer for Kim Davis, nuncio. You didn't think that little farce you played at the embassy in DC could fool a Corleone, did you?"

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Reading both names in one sentence made me throw up a little in my mouth.....

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From your keyboard to God's monitor....

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I'm still amazed at the dire straits of Kentucky men that allowed Kim Davis to get married three and a half times.

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"Behind every great fortune is a great crime."

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Mi ha incastrato la stronza.

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25% of the world's population acknowledges the Pope as their highest authority. Be impressed.

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Opus Dei is also up to its eyeballs in a wide range of corruption in Italy, from Vatican banking scandals to neofascist politics to the mafia.

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Kim Davis didn't have anything to do with Pope Cutie shitcanning Vigano. Vigano is one of Ex-Pope Rottweiler's old guard reactionary archbishops. He was also embroiled in a scandal having to do with the Vatican's efforts (or not-efforts) to clean up its massively corrupt bank. Vigano was sort of on the side of the reformers, but also used the scandal to undermine Francis. Among other things, he wrote private complaining letters to Ex-Pope about New Pope. (Thereby demonstrating why it's a bad idea to keep the old popes around, instead of garroting them in the traditional way.)

The upper levels of the Vatican are like a girl's boarding school in the 1950s: complex cliques filled with petty rivalries and weird hatreds. New Pope is cleaning out as much of the old guard as he can. They are all completely toxic.

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Wow, he's a hell of a good con artist?

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2000 years of practice.

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A flash of ankle here, a peek of wrist there.

Modesty™ attire drive the boys mad.

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