Is there a vaccine for this illness? I can't wait to hear what one-L has to say about it.

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Rigid ideology? Au contraire!

The Church now believes in evolution. And a heliocentric solar system. And that slavery is wrong. And that womenz shouldn't be treated as property (except their naughty parts).

Give it another 100 years and I'll betcha it even believes addressing poverty is more important than covering up pedophilia.

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Pope Frank has the right aperoach,he knows we need slut pills,the gheys,and sometimes bortshun when some wayward folk has sechs with little kids or theys kin folk.And I doesnt think he was much too fond of those other fellows what was smelling like little boy booty hole or that there Bendadick pope what used to be there

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Someone should ask Frothy and the Newt about this.

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Normally (which I am hardly ever) I don't give a poop about Popes, but this guy seems to be normal, for a Christian (whatever that even means).

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Lance Armstrong is "godly"?

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When Francis shows up drooling, w/ his eyes rolled up in his head, we'll know Nurse Ratchit got 'im!

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