She seems nice.

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Why does she needs to masturbate with all those pricks around?

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A bag of puppy treats for you BigSkullDog. I projectile spewed my iced tea.

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Well, I loves me to be able to spread some legs and cause controversy, but the wife and I are middle aged and out of shape. This could take a while.

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...FAKE: no woman <strong>CLIMAXES</strong> in 2 minutes!

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...I'm waiting for someone to film a full on gonzo, gay, gang-bang on Westboro's front lawn

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Watched a segment of Mitt & Wife Romney on Rachel Ray's today. Egg wrote a cookbook, featuring the family's favorites. They enjoyed the campaign and met so many interesting people!

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...I'm no expert but when your vibrator has a kick starter, that is probably a sign that you have a problem!

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