Asked the man with the 1970's porn star moustache.

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What have you got against Puerto Rico?

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Yeah, but at least the rest of us could ignore it.

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After the way you whiteys have fucked it up? No thanks.- the Indians

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Seriously? Do you WANT to be on the Naughty List forever?- Santa

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Really? And we just finished doing upgrades on the Bluewater Bridge between Sarnia and Port Huron. We'd have to blow the thing up, and then where will the chip trucks park?

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Have you seen who IS going? Dodging a bullet there.

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Think they'd all fit on Sealand? If not, I hear that the Kingdom of North Sudan might be looking for subjects.

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Given that most of you seem to forget Texas has liberal major cities that are most solidly moving forward. Austin, Houston, El Paso, San Antonio all with liberal histories that continue forward and most strongly so. Dems from all those cities closed down TWENTY major hate filled anti gay legislative bills! Only one single meaningless confirmation there will be no forced religious services, duh! Everyone knows that's a 1st ammendment issue of settled law.

Turn that!

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Youre far from alone my friend, there are probably hundreds of us. I send links to my publish list. We still make noise because Facebook is so forthright.

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“If not a state, are there any nations in the world interested in a pilgrimage by millions of Americans?”


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they should all choose some african nation where xtians taught the people to kill teh gays. that pretty much gives them a whole fucking continent to choose from.

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the Cubans in Florida and the Mexicans in Texas might object to sharing space with a bunch of xtian teabaggers.

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We should be wary of these allegedly hetero mingers who are suspiciously obsessed with The Gays.

Maybe they are worried there would be less single gay men vailable for secret hook ups?!

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