1939 had it's Nazi Storm Troopers, now America has it's DHS storm troopers.

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There is an apocryphal story that while stationed in Oregon before the Traitorous Insurrection he was in the Rogue Valley and busted his britches while falling down drunk. A tailor in what is now GP sowed him a new pair. There is no historical record that he was ever stationed in southern Oregon. The closest would be Sexton to the north or Hays to the south.

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There is an apocryphal story that while stationed in Oregon before the Traitorous Insurrection he was in the Rogue Valley and busted his britches while falling down drunk. A tailor in what is now GP supposedly sewed him a new pair. Unfortunately, there is no historical record that he was ever stationed in southern Oregon. Also, the closest mountain pass would be Sexton to the north or Hays to the south.

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If we can maintain control enough to keep them from settling in and blocking all counter narratives, controlling education, further destabilizing us, and blowing up our currency, we only need to do that for about 10-20 years. Maybe a lot less. Generational change has been trying to push this regressive ideology into extinction. They don’t have the support of most younger people. They just happen to have disproportionate power in a rigged system, and the assistance of foreign enemies. The majority of the cult will die off or figure out that they need to be quiet if they want to exist in shared society. When they can no longer go on pretending that they are a “silent majority” and that they have the power, their faith will waver. They don’t all need deprogramming. They just need containing.

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And just about every Republican I meet today will tell you that entire cities were burned to the ground, and billions of dollars of damage was done.

I don't know if anyone caught the MSNBC piece where they interviewed 5 or 6 Trump voters from PA, who sat with a straight face and talked about BLW burning down cities. I also saw a recent Fox News clip of one of the generic blonde plastic hostesses talking about how the BLM riots burned down cities and caused billions and billions of dollars in damages.

I don't know the actual total cost of damages for the entire country--maybe it was in the biliions--but I do know that entire cities were not burned to the ground. And these people are not exaggerating. They are not using hyperbole. They literally think that entire cities were wiped off the map.

You can tell them you've been to these cities, you can invite people who live in those cities to the conversation... it doesn't matter. They wholeheartedly believe it.

The media, social media, and the Democratic Party have all failed to challenge so many absurd narratives. I think at first it was a feeling that nobody in their right mind would believe this crazy stuff. But at some point, I expected Dems and the media and my left-leaning friends to start challenging this stuff.

I know we're not going to change the minds of most of these people. But others who are listening or reading might be on the fence. And every time the left just lets one of these lies, well, lie, it cements the opinion of someone else.

Here are some of the claims that the right wing propaganda machine (which, to be fair, is really good and we have ignored it to our peril) have convinced their voters of. I very, very rarely see challenged in actual debates, on news interviews, on social media, or even in just day-to-day conversations:

*Abortions are performed "up until the due date". *BLM protesters burned several cities "to the ground"*Democrats want to destroy America (this is just a known fact now to rank-and-file GOP members)*The border is wide open*Children are being tricked into getting gender reassignment surgery*Children are getting gender reassignment surgery*Gas is $8 a gallon*The New Green Deal is in effect and it's the cause of X...

There are more (and I had spoken about them with someone the other day, but my brain is having a moment) but you get the idea.

It's one thing to not challenge someone's beliefs. But we haven't challenged their outrageous facts, and we must. We cannot just ignore it when someone says that they can't do anything but vote Republican because they can't stand the thought of a baby at 39 weeks and 6 days being cut from its mother's womb and hacked to pieces by a doctor.

Donald Trump said it in a 2016 debate, and Hillary Clinton just breezed past it. (I give her a pass, because she was the first to deal with this bs, and probably believed that the audience would realize it was a lie.) I've seen several other debates where this lie wasn't challenged. I've seen supposedly not right-wing news pieces where a politician said it and the newscaster didn't push back.

The politicians probably don't believe this garbage. The everyday voters? They absolutely do. Far more of them than we'd have believed. It gives them an excuse to vote for horrendous people that they wanted to vote for anyway, so they allow themselves to believe it despite how ridiculous it seems. And their media is needling them with it weekly, daily, hourly, agitiating them over it.

So when these ridiculous lies come up, call them on it. Demand that your representatives call them on it. Ignoring it is how we got here.

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I would respond, except Portland is still being burned to the ground on a daily basis./s

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That sounds like the next season of Umbrella Academy.

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Does the Tiny Diner have dollhouse food?I was fascinated by that when I was a kid.

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And twice as repulsive.

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"in the US the liberals all live in the cities and nowhere else"

Halloween is as good a time as any to share this extremely gross yet oddly reassuring article on Cracked that gave a list of I swear to god fully thought out reasons why a zombie invasion would fail, one of which was:"But even in nice, flat, paved cities, the landscape still works in favor of the living. History has shown that in most awful situations, people don't always act like the panicky idiots in a horror movie. In cities, people would likely congregate in the upper levels of high-rise buildings, where the invasion can be held at bay with simple security doors. Also, the streets themselves would keep the undead corralled in straight, easy-to-aim-down lines where they could be picked off by snipers, or just bored office workers" https://www.cracked.com/art...

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A good 20% of arguments with these chuds consist of, "Please stop making up meanings for words. They already mean things."

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To clarify for Mr. Murphy, there are two phases of protest:1) "We are tired of this shit"2) Protest

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Republicans have started a campaign to make being anti-fascist into a bad thing.

That is not an accident.

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Just patched it with cement... ya kno, portland cement.

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