noted and corrected- that'll learn me. Alas it would seem that the exchange is apocryphal in nature. As so many of the best stories are.

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Cops with their backs to white supremacists confronting anti-fascists protesters. Cops with their backs to pipelines while attacking water protectors. Cops with their backs to private prison operators while arresting those opposed to caging children. Cops with their backs to companies everywhere defending corporate property against striking union members. The corrupt are always the ones being protected by the cops while the just are always facing the rubber bullets and tear gas.

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The Black Bloc is not Antifa.They do show up at Antifa and/or White Supremecist rallies, but their goal is destruction and mayhem.

Black Bloc are the Anarchists who led to "The Battle in Seattle."

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Thanks Mr. Robinson.

For anyone who hasn't seen it, Frontine on PBS did a great episode on this:


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Come on. Both of them upper class English+= If I WERE- condition contrary to fact takes the subjunctive.

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Maybe you should ask Heather Heyer's parents if they thought she was just making "lip service to diversity."

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"...Patriot Prayer rally was intended to coincide with the anniversary of the 2017 Unite the Right rally in Charlottesville..."

Is there a source for this?

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Nor does it prevent me asking said band to reconsider their venue.

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Free Speech means the Gubmnt can't stop you.It does not mean they have to protect you from consequences.It does not stop someone organising their novice bagpipe marching band practise nearby either.

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When you call everybody you don't agree with a racist and a facist...you get tons of people who just say "fine, fuck it, I'm a facist, now what?"

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This is the best way to do it I believe. If only people weren’t so apathetic, it would be easy.

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Stopped reading when you "both sides"-ed Antifa.

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Fuck it, let's roll Dude.https://www.youtube.com/wat...

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I love this. thank you.

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Denver man makes me so proud to be a NWesterner byproxy. He loves us!!!

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