"It became necessary to destroy the city in order to save it."

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That was an embarrassing day for the 7th Gurkhas.

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Classic song.

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So Captain America and Indiana Jones are terrorists now?


And what about our troops who stormed the beaches at Normandy?


Are they now terrorists too?

The shitgibbon had better think *LONG AND HARD* before he insults, defames and besmirches people who have, thus far, been on the right side of history.

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The two are not mutually exclusive.

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I know this is true, and yet I keep hoping that our goddamn elected officials will actually do something beyond "Now you've done it, Mister! Only ONE scoop of ice cream for you tonight!"

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It's official - we're living in the Upside Down and the Russians are 200 stories beneath us.

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Dear Orange Menace: The SCOTUS decision was the opposite of a win for the rule of law (and border security for that matter) and the Constitution, you unbelievable shitgibbon

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Whoa! You've got Jamie Lynn Crofts contributing to Wonkette!? Authoress of the greatest amicus brief in American legal history!? What a great score! John Oliver and Mr. Nutterbutter be praised!

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It's not like we're not abiding by the Geneva convention or anything.

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$775 a day for inadequate sleeping arrangements. What, do they think this is Silicon Valley?

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It slides nicely into the pockets of owners of private prisons...

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"you can do anything Sir, because of number 2"

You mean he can deposit his shit wherever he wants?

Oh, wait , he's already doing that ....

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Fun fact: Posse Comitatus was the original RWNJ group. Those dicks had no more shame than the dildo humping white suprematists of today.

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How much wall can really be built with 2.5 billion?

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