He would need a piece of paper, in that case.

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And then there was that whole One Drop thing.

What's interesting to me about the craziness of apartheid is how obsessive the badguys got - trying to measure and legislate every minuscule aspect of life according to some impossibly abstract definition of Them and Us.

Of course, some of it was just the pleasure of inventing new mechanisms of harassment, and some was an ever-more extreme effort to control a system that was rapidly spinning out, but some was pure neurosis. I think when people buy into a system they know is evil, they get a bit insane. The above anecdote about attempting to keep black deaf people from understanding what white deaf people were saying is a striking reminder of just how stupid evil can be.

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It is produced with a single finger.

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Indeed, with only one finger on that hand.

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<i>As late as the 1980s, South Africa employed different sign languages for whites and blacks, making it next to impossible for deaf blacks to get jobs or educations.</i>

Apartheid, man. Fucking insane bullshit, just in case anyone would like to maybe downplay how bad it gets when the badguys are in charge.

FWIW, even American Sign is a language in process. For those interested in linguistics, the sign languages are fascinating, with some aspects very well-developed and others still not codified. Not unlike, say, the English language.

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My sign language skills are really shitty but if I translated what he was signing correctly he pretty much just said “kill Miley Cyrus” over and over again.

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And he worked for the Fox Network.

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I can't believe they yanked the audio over copyright issues. They should have claimed they were doing it so people could better empathize with the hearing impaired.

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