National Soviet Assistance!

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It's an interesting coincidence that Melanie gave Michelle Obama a gift from Tiffany's during the transition.

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Talk about shitting in your own bed, after all the DraftDodger-in-Chief wants to murder. the USPS. That said, conservatives are mighty stupid. The company I work for's labor force depends utterly on its union contract for quality of life and safety- but I'd wager 3/4 of my fellow drones vote R. Because Fox, Reagan killing school, etc.

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Well, he's the 'right' color, so I'm thinking, slap on the wrist, now don't you do that again Jim-Bob!! If the 'wrong' color, Fox would be calling for his head.

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One must give Rump points for consistency- he'll put the very worst person possible in charge of a given government agency. Doesn't matter which one- DoD, USPS, DoI...

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Plenty of R voters here in 'liberal' CA. And they are often very rich, and highly educated. I fear them more than the redneck garbage, after all they have Rump's ear.

One good thing about the Electoral College, the R votes haven't mattered in the last couple of elections. But I'd trade dynamiting the EC for that any day.

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It took my (college-educated) wife 3 years of Rump to regret voting for him, though were it not for Covid-19....well, small steps.

Facebook and R parents are a hell of a drug. She quit drinking Fox Kool-Aid, too.

She finally 'gets' why I couldn't sleep for a week after the walking bag of trash was 'selected'.

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This. Modern-day witch burning.

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He is very cute!

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Geez, he's got wings!

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I don't see a knee on the neck...well, the chin wattles might preclude that 'restraint' method.

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I hear you. I had to fly from Miami to LAX today, to be fair everyone on the plane was good about face coverings...but the Captain! He walked out of the cockpit and down the jet bridge without a mask of any kind. I'm sure he flew the whole 5 hours that way as well.

There were a few non-mask idiots with smug looks on their face both at MIA and LAX- looked to be either young and stupid, or MAGGAt/anti vaxx types. Hopefully as time goes on it will become a Federal crime to put others at risk this way.

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Heh. Melanoma, the 'anchor baby'. Irony etc.

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'Escorting' not criming?

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In rural areas all over the countries, mail delivery is contracted out. The contractors are required to follow the same rules as a USPS employee.

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And if you can't trust a gigantic floating evil eye with a mysterious son (where is Junior anyway? I warned him not to take that Magic Mirror job), who can you trust?

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