Today our parable comes from the Book Of Chootzpah: In the Year Of the Bad Cop, the City of Santa Ana did decide that there were too many medical marijuana dispensaries operating without a license, and lo, they did send Centurions to bust some Stoners.
Man, I can really see why so many people join the police force: free drugs, prostitutes, and if not free, discounts at all the fast food stands in town. Couple that with the fact that usually, unless you're really sloppy, you're above the law, and as a result of this you can steal and murder and the Stockholm Syndromed American public will find a way to blame the victims and elevate you as some sort of "hero".
This video has been around for months, so you may be overoptimistic about the governing ability of the citizens of Santa Ana and their elected representatives.
picture yourself on a boat at the station, with tangerine rap sheets, and marmalade perps, somebody calls you, you respond rather slowly to a crime scene with kaleidoscope prizes!
4 days late. but, lynndie england libel.
I can only upvote your post once, otherwise I'd upvote three times more. Totally agree.
If you start investigating police and judges for drinking and driving, we're going to need a lot of new police and judges.
...yeah, maybe it because I got more than a few "interesting" photos of him in his younger days
Man, I can really see why so many people join the police force: free drugs, prostitutes, and if not free, discounts at all the fast food stands in town. Couple that with the fact that usually, unless you're really sloppy, you're above the law, and as a result of this you can steal and murder and the Stockholm Syndromed American public will find a way to blame the victims and elevate you as some sort of "hero".
"People go into jail cake eaters, but they come out loving ice cream."
-Ben Carson
Miss Lindsey?
I'm good with that.
This video has been around for months, so you may be overoptimistic about the governing ability of the citizens of Santa Ana and their elected representatives.
Right. Just the occasional risk of being shot to death over some small amount of weed (e.g. Memphis).
Shakedown is what it is and more than this occur. This one just has evidence.
picture yourself on a boat at the station, with tangerine rap sheets, and marmalade perps, somebody calls you, you respond rather slowly to a crime scene with kaleidoscope prizes!
Later on that watch...
Fuck them.
Man video cameras are such fuckin NARCs! (I bet these clueless cops won't get the irony of that statement, either.)