He'd have to pull a Perot... the small-government party of compassion and fiscal responsibility won't make this mistake again.

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Now I'm tempted to go out and buy some Coke Zero just so I can spit it out like the cool kids.

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What was their actual message, then? Actually herding women and browns and poors into the sea?

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you know it's coming.

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I read that as "epic stool". That works, also, too.

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Oh, and Beyonce was "coarse" for saying, "take that, Mitches!". Fetch me my smelling salts, I do declare!

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Nah. He'll be a "Fox Contributor" before the ink is dry on his bouncing child support checks.

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Oh, if that just holds up.

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Wrong Eagle.

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He's blaming women. "Bitch set me up!"

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"In what do Ohioans believe? I thought I knew, but am really confused after last night."

Let me clear it up for you, Redstate commenter: They believe it wouldn't make sense to vote for a guy who said Fuck You to the most important industry in the state.

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My uncle had those, til he bought a special cream.

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The lesson here is that, outside of MN-6, the majority of people do<i> not</i> to be represented by comically inept jackasses.

Oh, and there's one other exception: US America, 2004-08.

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The boundaries of Republic of Dumbfuckistan are not so clearly drawn when you view it that way.

Odd though: only <i>three counties</i> in MO (the ones containing KC, StL and Columbia, where the U is) voted for Obama. Alabama looks diverse by comparison.

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Love to see that; got a link?

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"It's tough to handle this fortune and fame; everyone is so different, I haven't changed"

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