"...now we must kind of redistribute the pain."

And "This is no time to engage in the luxury of cooling off or to take the tranquilizing drug of gradualism"

Who cares what it says about me, but those two phrases stayed with me to the end of the analysis, Stephen. I feel they summarize the age we live in.

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"...et al."


Tedious pedant is tedious.

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I have a somewhat personal interest in it so I've checkd into it a little beginning lately, and, allegedly the Portuguese invented whiteness to help prop up their struggling trade out of Africa in human bondage. Indentured servitude being the popular euphemism, it turns out most markets were repulsed by the idea of chattel slavery until they were reassured (ingeniously?) that the people they would be owning were slightly less human than they, by an act of God, and not by any fault of their own. So, it's all good! It seems to have been remarkably effective among some demographics

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The far leftists who like to talk about the working class and revolution even though they are rich and completely divorced from real working people. Think Susan Sarandon.

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Ingeniously and disingenuously. Thanx for doing some digging on the subject! Enlightening (No pun intended).

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The longer I live and the more I see of what's become and what's becoming of this country, the more and more I see the truth of Dr King's words and how right he was, then and now.

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They're selling themselves (out) by the dollar...

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The fierce urgency of now

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That could be fun.

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Actually just that one line, not even the whole speech.

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I wish Nancy Pelosi could figure out something about the fierce urgency of now. We needed a 1/6 commission on 1/7 not 5 months later. And somebody who might have a concept of message control since we're in a cold civil war based on information.Btw Sen. Warnock literally carries the mantle of MLK, which makes sense since both are portrayed as socialists.

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There was a time, in the very recent past, when 'race' was not about biology but about where you lived. It was pure nationalism. The only exceptions I can think of are the Jews (who didn't have a country of their own), the native Americans (who were busy being exterminated), and the Africans (where there weren't countries until Europeans divvied it up.)

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Not even a better love story than Twilight.

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Warm, flat, funky,It don't matter to me!The greatest beer in this whole worldIs the one you buy for me!https://www.youtube.com/wat...

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