Do credits from Trump University transfer to Prager U? Like Pyramid Schemes 101?

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Jesse Helms? Cause he's dead?

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Delirious State stole Prager U's mascot - a rabid, cornered badger.

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I learned about that on Drunk History. I knew Arlington was Lee's estate, but I never knew that it started with some guy saying fuck Lee and burying the dead in his yard.

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There's a very simple, clear difference between General Robert E. Lee and General George Washington, even though they were both slave owners. Lee waged war against the United States, Washington did not. Look up the definition of treason in the United States Constitution.

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Sean from Youtube did a debunk video on this. PragerU is big on taking quotes out of context and using a slick video editing format with cute and quaint cartoons behind it. In a LOT of ways, it reminds me of the Journal of Historical Review. The JHR was a notorious "journal" for Holocaust deniers. It tried to look legit by aping the style and format of other actual historical journals that use actual historians.This is PragerU. They could have gone for a politics angle, but they want the same style as John Green's online Crash Course videos... which use almost the exact same format. However, Crash Course is supported by experts in astronomy, history, and literature. They use actual primary sources, versus the slanted ones that PragerU uses.https://www.youtube.com/wat...

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So Trump said those who support and oppose the statue removal are "fine people".

The statue is a symbol of "white power" ← red flag 1

Therefore those who protested against its removal are "white supremacists" ← red flag 2

"White supremacists" are Nazis ← red flag 3

Bingo! Trump said Nazis are fine people!

When you can't change the facts, change the definition.

Also, the "Politifact" tag at the end ← red flag 4

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Consider that:1. When Crowder exposed what Carlos Maza did, Sean call it "homophobic bullying".2. When asked about what "bigotry" means, Sean said "look at yourself".

What do you expect from a guy whose feelings trumps facts?

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That you use Ben Shapiro's tagline is telling. The dude eviscerated them on this issue. If you have an actual point to make that isn't "I don't like this guy", then move on to it. Also Crowder is notorious as a homophobe, and just saying something like #2 with no context means you get no points. ENJOY!

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Given the group was mostly composed of white supremacists, your concern is hilarious.Your "red flag 1", yes it is a symbol of white power. They are valorizing a man who fought to uphold slavery. He's since been given that status among white supremacists.-rf2: Yes, basically everyone there fighting to keep it there was a white supremacist. If you see a significant Nazi presence especially after a torchlight parade the night before, maybe you should change sides.rf3: Yes, white supremacists tend to be Nazis. The Venn Diagram of them is nearly a circle. You seem preoccupied on debunking this. Weird.rd4: unless you have a real reason to scoff at Politifact, it just looks like you are whining about people who say factual things you find inconvenient.

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RF1:Robert E Lee fighting for the Confederates does not mean he supports slavery. In fact, Lincoln want him to be the top commander of the Union Army. If Lee was pro-slavery, why would Lincoln invite him?

Lee got his own statue because he was a great commander. Despite his seemingly contradicting views on slavery, he support the "extinction of slavery", and helped sending some of the freed slaves to Liberia.

And the whole US Senate voted to restore his citizenship.So, "white power"? Absolutely not.Leftists going after Lee's statue actually shows their ignorance.

RF2: Protesting to keep a statue or things of other kinds does not necessarily mean to retain what the person depicted in the statue stands for. Southerners want to keep confederate statues and flags because they are a part of American history.

RF3:White supremacists - you have Andrew Jackson enslaving blacks and killing native Americans, or Churchill killing Hindus, or FDR locking up the Japanese during WWII. Those oppressed people are not white.

Nazis - Hitler killed Jews. Jews especially the most populous Ashkenazis are white. He also killed Poles and Russians when he invaded eastward. They were white. Hitler was German supremacist. He hated anyone other than Germans.

So white supremacy are not the same as Nazis.


Politifact - just like other fact-checkers, are in name only. Here's a list of 21 lies told by PF.

PF makes mistakes and is reluctant to fix them - which is a sign of lack of integrity.

Fact-checkers go beyond fact-checking statements

So, how did you come with your conclusions?


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If you have an actual point to make that isn't "I don't like this guy"

Also Crowder is notorious as a homophobe

Sean calling Crowder a "homophobic bully" is exactly because "I don't like this guy".

Oh, and if you didn't follow Sean on twitter, here is the tweet

So because Carlos Maza is gay, telling people what he did as a Vox reporter is "homophobic bullying"? Unless you can show Crowder is attacking Carlos's sexual orientation.

Also this

Definition of bigotn.One who is strongly partial to one's own group, religion, race, or politics and is intolerant of those who differ.n.A person who is obstinately and unreasonably wedded to a particular religious or other creed, opinion, practice, or ritual; a person who is illiberally attached to any opinion, system of belief, or party organization; an intolerant dogmatist.

You got nO pOiNtS either. Perhaps some points on feelings. EnJoY!

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Ok, you didn't even rebut anything, and now it looks like you were just snitty over tweets that ONLY YOU had seen before this conversation. Sorry no sorry I didn't know of those.Second, you debunked nothing. He is a bigot, as in he's prejudiced against gay people. Being against gay marriage makes that. Learn to argue better, moron.

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Well your first citation is from the Daily Fail which is notorious for lying and in general being bigoted shits. And you are quite bad at history. Lee was liked in the South for his defense of slavery. And Robert E Lee fought to keep slavery. Your pathetic and feeble attempt to get around that are hilarious. Jackson predates Nazism by a century. And yeah Churchill and FDR did shitty things that were pretty white supremacist. Today though as said Nazis and white supremacists are basically the same. That you used an utterly ahistorical example shows you don't even know what you are talking about.And yeah you are still whining about feeling while using that transphobic shit's tagline. And no the Southerners wanted to keep their RACIST history. Go to Germany, you don't see any Hitler statues. Again, your understanding and grasp of the Civil War is so bent as to not make any sense.Then your weird cul de sac on whining about what other white supremacists have done in history.

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OMG, the Daily Fail list is all debunked bullshit. Extra funny you think that's "taking down Politifact: BWAHAAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA

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Guessed you haven't read the other 2 links. And then you resort to dismiss, double down and use buzzwords.

No longer worth talking to. Bye.

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