I grew up in Bremerton. It's not a religious town. There are various religious institutions, but the majority of the population would find it unseemly to overtly display religious fervor outside of religious settings. The fact that this joke of a coach thought he would find overwhelming support among students and parents is ludicrous. But now he gets his 15 minutes of fame as the new Joe the Plumber while the poor secretaries in the front office of BHS have to deal with the frothing threats of the RWNJ until something new and shiny presses their outrage button.

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As an actual teacher (sped, 25 years), I cultivate relationships with the secretaries and do my best to avoid the coaches, unless they happen to be decent teachers as well.

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Good analysis.

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What I got from this article is that Gary must have a daughter. No way he'd have all that inside intel otherwise.

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There is serious money in telling other RWNJs how persecuted you are

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I think Kennedy realized his antics were not going to work in Bremerton any more. No one joined him on the field this time because the kids and parents realized he no longer had any authority to force them to attend and any retribution on his part against people not joining him might result in an eventual Supreme Court case where he was forcing kids to attend and he would lose. He realized any further public prayer displays would make him look like the religious loon he is as people avoided him after games. Sort of like George Santos, you can get away with a lot of shit if you avoid publicity, but once you go public all of that will be revealed and if you try it again the public will nail you.

Many of those kids joining whom on the field were afraid if they didn't their playing time or even position on the team may be jeopardized. That's why anyone in a position of authority over another person has more legal liability against taking advantage of a student, employee, or caretaker. Except for cops, who do it all the time. The college professor who has a consensual affair with an adult student may find themselves in hot water. Kennedy should have been scrutinized the same way for signs of using persuasion, subtle messages on how important prayer is to him, or implied use of his authority to force people to attend his prayer groups but wasn't investigated before he filed the case. But he would have been after returning.

The fact no one joined him after the first game back was a sure sign his grip on the students was gone and any attempt to pressure them to attend would be in the local and later national news in a few days and his con would be exposed. Not that the hacks on the Supreme Court would care or feel any regret. Just like the alleged web site developer with the fictitious client they ruled on this year.

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This is in line with what I was thinking--he showed up for work, convinced his arrival would be heralded with fanfare from the students and faculty, and a groveling apology from the administration. Instead, he was largely ignored except for a begrudging welcome from the people handful of people who remember him at all. Over the course of the day, even his swelled ego couldn't ignore the fact that he was there only because the Supreme Court was making the school take him back. Which is the legal equivalent of your mom bullying the other kids' moms into forcing said kids to play with you.

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If it hasn't been non-commented yet, here's the David Horsy cartoon.


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Hmmm, something something shall not bear false witness something something

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"Nonetheless, Kennedy in his resignation letter claimed that the school district was not fully complying with the Court’s order that he be reinstated, that the district took action to “diminish [his] role and single [him] out” in retaliation."

Oooh...religious "persecution". Haven't heard THAT one in a minute.

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Literally one actual minute.

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I've been in tons of sports and had dozens of coaches since the age of 6. Most of them were douchebags. Every single one of the douchebags was male except for one of my middle school track coaches. She was a straight asshole. My high school track coach spent his entire time trying to bang my fellow female high school teammates . He then went on to become a track coach at Ohio State University about the same time that Jim Jordan was there . And that is my personal experience with most coaches.

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Same. Assholes one and all.

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Not all, but many.

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Hey Coach: Jesus thinks you’re a jerk


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The buried lede: Bremerton beat Mt. Douglas Secondary 27-13 in the season opener.

Note that the 105 mile trip between the schools takes 3 hours and 50 minutes because Mt. Douglas is in another country and involves a sea voyage. It may even mean that Mt.Douglas only gets three downs while Bremerton gets four but clearly Joe Kennedy's god is more powerful than those Canadian's god.

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Picture of dogs playing poker...picture of Jesus playing football. Both equally sensible.

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After further thought, someone needs to paint Jesus, Moses, Mohammad, and Buddha playing poker.

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Sure, if you want to get your print shop shot up by religious zealots.

Oh, but we're supposed to respect their sincerely held beliefs.

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..if any.

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the persecution complex must be kept up at all times. even the earliest Christian apologists and polemicists knew that. it literally is one of the oldest Christian traditions.

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I never did sports in HS. Because of my physical appearance, i.e., tall, fit, etc.; sports coaches frequently asked me why I didn't participate in sports. The coaches of various teams also taught classes in US History, Physical Education (Gym Class), Civics, etc. They tended to be hyper thyroid assholes in class, and I assumed this mentally ill behavior extended to the sports they coached.


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For not having played Sports in high school, you absolutely nailed the typical high school coach personality

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Nothing says American education like having kids smash heads.

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American "football"?

Lotta kids in armor standing around on the field for an hour or so.

Three or four of them get to play with an odd-shaped ball now and then.

A fair percentage of them have little wrestling matches from time to time.

I dunno, does this have something to do with republicanism? Green stamps? Interstate highways being illegal unless B-52s can land on them?

All that free-dumb stuff?

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Our coach in high school also taught.... something. He was SO full of false info that we just laughed at him. But.... football, ya know? Nothing was more important - even our education - than FOOTBALL.

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I grew up playing football with my friends. Tackle but no gear so if you get hit you go down. In HS the coaches took all the fun out of it and it was Lord if the Flies goes to Hitler Youth Camp

I quit and never looked back

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Bets on how many copies Regnery's pre-purchased? 100,000?...

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the god squadies here in my town in E WA are up in arms about him quitting. Saying he was forced out again due to ...something argle bargle. In our town of 2000 people we have 14 churches. The sports coaches here have the sense to leave it off the field

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I believe this all started because some of the players complained they felt pressured to participate in the prayer sessions... When the pressure was clearly off of them they all went about their business ignoring him...

You know who the Real Christians are?

Trick question actually... You probably don't, because they don't go around wearing it on their sleeves and attempting to make others do as they see fit...

This guy, like Tommy Tuberville, was little more than an attention whore...

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In my experience the real Christians are atheists

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And that was why he quit. What's the point of being a Christian if you can't coerce others into loving Jesus with you?

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