The most useful taping of Trump would be taping his mouth shut

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At least Nixon had the energy and brains to set up a taping system in the Oval. Dump's too damn lazy and stupid even to do that.

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George Minkowski in Lost!

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Lady MS caught a whiff of that musk, also, too...

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Preet would make one helluva AG, methinks.

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I seriously do not want him to do anything that would interfere with his podcast.

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I think they're more video...specifically, hotel room video.

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Right, like when he said he got 306 Electoral College votes when he got 304. It's not even consequential for the 2 votes, but it's everything he says and does. Sure, I'm nit-picking but Trump just cannot stop lying. It's to the point that I doubt every word he says. And his followers parrot those lies constantly. They have absolutely no idea that parts of the Steele Dossier has been confirmed as true since Comey gave testimony saying it was salacious and unproven. It WAS, at the time of that statement. Testimony given since that time has shown some of it is true today. But they choose to ignore that fact because it can't co-exist with what they want to hear.

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Upfist for correct spelling of goo goo g'joob.

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This is true. Say, do you suppose one could categorize them in a certain way, like say, "deplorable?"

This would probably be a mistake, because HERP DERP SHOUTY NOISE HOLE WORDS

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This is the most infuriating part about it. It is soooo fucking transparent that Shroom Shorts is making shit up, constantly flying by the seat of his wide-ass pants, and such a disturbing number of people seem incapable of seeing it.

Fucker claims he made Lady Gaga a star, FFS.

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This tells me that someone, somewhere, absolutely HAS tapes. Hopefully, they're good ones, and going into the right (necessary) hands.

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You know - I don't know that they DO know how selfish and hateful they are. I suspect they all think they're fair, and have good common sense, and 'see things like they really are'. And its the whole rest of the country/world that is off the rails for not agreeing with them.

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Try NEW Trumpâ„¢ Brand anti-diarrhea remedy!

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and, of course, their grifter-in-chief reinforces those beliefs by insisting it was TOTALLY DEBUNKED!!. Repeat for virtually any and everything else - these folks would stand outside insisting the sky is purple, despite evidence of their own eyes, so long as Dear Leader tells them that's the case.

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With that blue tape he has fantasies about.

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