ain't got no avatar yet, can't write new comments. also don't like having to open comment to see replies -- replies are fun! especially if wonkette won't let me write original comments. i am sad.
Today America turned to, which is as a god to my comments.
Can we post longer things yet? Is there a connection between avatars and comment length?
Now it should look like a sweet little birdy. that will change, of course.
I'm surprised so many people gave her sandwiches. Nice, in a way.
Fuck no! Swear on!
ain't got no avatar yet, can't write new comments. also don't like having to open comment to see replies -- replies are fun! especially if wonkette won't let me write original comments. i am sad.
Today America turned to, which is as a god to my comments.
Trying avatar
It wll gt bttr
can I post something longer yet?
But you just said fuck
OMFG. I'm logged in. Change is BAD BAD BAD.
Obviously the pregnant she devil's day job is comments administrator at wonkette or intensedbate or (all the same place, right?)
(Formerly known as "just pixels")
Demon sandwich sounds good right now. Jold the demon mayo.
comment on something
wish i could get comments to post so i'd have time to buy products advertised on
can't comment, maybe i can reply