Marco's Cuban-heeled boots?

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So, all these stay-at-home moms baking cookies are fine with PP not being there for the poorz, because, if their precious snowflake gets knocked up by her dumber than a box of rocks boyfriend, they have the means to shut that whole process down so they don't become Grandmas too soon.

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Ohio is a schizophrenic state. The northern section is very east coast in its vibe, while the middle section is unadulterated midwest, and the southern portion is, well, southern.

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That was one nice feature in the Ohio bill. Medical marijuana was sold at a lower price with no sales tax and funded by some of the taxes on the recreational sales.

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I have friends who describe themselves as genetic Republicans, remaining in the party because their families have always been R's. They'd probably be described as Rockefeller Republicans. They vote for whoever they want in the general, rarely anyone with an R after their name, and they get to fuck with the telephone surveys that come out now.

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I recently asked Kasich's Womens Outreach Coordinator for comment:

Explains a lot, doesn't it?

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If this was an isolated incident, I'd say, "Sure, give him the benefit of the doubt. Campaigning is hard, and you can't talk for twenty-seven hours a day without occasionally saying something in an inelegant way."

But, this isn't the first time. He's been condescending to women, especially college-age women, treating them like brain-dead bimbos only interested in boys and fashion.

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Not if you do it in heels and a thong, if comic books had taught us anything

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Hey! After he left Congress and before he became Governor, he was big-time private sector. He was a VP for Lehman Brothers.

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ike let that one drive his jeep. and look how that turned out.

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By the way, I love the backhanded complement of Kasich's "defense." Because any "career women" doing grassroots politics is some kind of "shrill fridgid bitch" apparently.

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Hey, Republi-dudes! Stay In The Bathroom! Given how full of shit they are, that's probably good advice (just break out the industrial sized lysol. You know for when they speak.)

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A big PUH-LEAZE, concern troll. Wonkette click bait is random pictures of Donna Rose. Duh!

No one is going to manipulate the inane mutterings of a third-rate loser candidates to generate any "clickbait" revenue. Not when they have to compete with "Slutty Prom Pics" for the clickbait prowess.

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Yeah, just call them stupid-ass muthafucking piece of shit. Yoh know, be classy!

Edited to complain add: Speaking of the asshole that's the subject of today's post, I would say calling him a "moderate" is the more offensive term because it's inaccurate and it misalignes the entire political spectrum.

That's a lot worse then calling the GOP "rethuglicans." Of course since they act like petty vicious assholes (which I could have sworn is what a "thug" is) while taking advantage of stereotypical notions of what a "thug" consist of, I fail to see why calling them that would be a problem enough that progressives should play "mock MSM" and wag a "false equivalency" finget at ourselves. Like many good bits of humor, there are pieces of truth and wisdom wrapped around that "cutesy fluffy" exterior (a liberal fortune cookie!)

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Well, the wimmenfolk just better get back in the kitchen. Them sammiches aren't going to make themselves.

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Well, he accepted Obamacare out of fear of St. Peter...maybe we need the Patron Saint of Anger (among other things) to swing by again?

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