What happened to the video? What was the name or what it was about?

Here are two real presidential polls to vote in by ABC lamestream news. Go there and vote for Donald Trump to show them what the real poll results are. I am tired of hearing about the fake rigged polls that show Hitlery ahead. They are total lies.



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This is a Big Fucking Deal!!

Also, silly me and my years of Spanish classes, saying "Chi-poat-lay" instead of "Chipol-tee." I stand corrected.

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I hate to sound sexist here (SEXIST COMMENT TRIGGER WARNING), but chicks are notoriously bad tippers, and cheap in general. This is why we can't have a woman President, because she'll cause an international incident at a G8 summit by insisting that they can't just split the tab evenly because she only had a salad.

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I've been to every Chipotle in New York City at least 5 times, never once saw a tip jar.

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As an Whoregonian, I must quote Bowie here: I know when to go out and when to stay in. Such as running any errand, avoid the rush times and it's goddamned servicey. Which is also a sex joke.

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John Tyler?

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If the gop goes the next step and transforms completely into teenage mean girls does that mean we will have to start creeping their instagram accounts?

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Of course leave it to these champions of the everyday person to miss that tipping at Chipotle is about as bizarre as tipping at a Burger King.

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when I saw this percolating up through the insanosphere I knew it was going to blow up into full blown idiocy- two things...1) WHO THE FUCK tips at a fast food joint?

2) Which presidential candidate is the only one who favors raising the minimum wage so fast food employees don't have to beg for tips to survive?

STFU wingnuts- all this proves is that you you all bark on command like the good little trained seals that you are whenever Rush or Sean throw you a dead fish

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Kaili Joy Gray - your awesomeness is awesome!

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Throwing shit at the wall to see what sticks. Same old same old. The official bullshit factory of the Republican party will be testing out hundreds of manufactured controversies over the next 19months. New and old.

Pass the anti-freeze.

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Well, a woman who sits at a heavy glass deskIs usually named GretchenAnd a feller who thinks a falafel is a spongeIs anything but fetchin'

But a woman who eyeballs are out of placeSneer on her lips, scowl on her faceShe's the one you long to Mace*She's your Chipol-tee.

Chipol-tee, Chipol-tee, Chipol-teeHer voice is like a goat's.Chipol-tee, Chipol-tee, Chipol-teeYou'll do her down with votes.

* with votes

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Seriously. And even then tip jars, at least in my experience, are just casual, basically saying "Hey leave something if you really like this place or if you happen to have loose change or some extra dollars to spare"," and not at all expected like tipping at a sit-down restaurant where you have an actual server.

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Even if the fish has been dead for a week.

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These seem like the sort of people who would pull something out of their nose and inspect it for hours.

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Hitlery? I'd say Hitlery-est!

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