What a waste of perfectly good 'ludes.

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In-fucking-deed, Jeamonn. In-fucking-deed.

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apparently his dick gave him the right to determine what a woman's choices can be.

[ my dick has been terribly remiss in not granting me those rights . . . i think i'll whack it around a few times and see if it changes my mind ]

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I've decided to secede my uterus so I can create my own legal system. Just don't know where to keep my legislation,might get crowded. And placing a flag is really gonna hurt.

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... only if the other woman is Carly Failorina and she can harvest it for parts. Premium paid if it's still alive. No percentage of the video sales.

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"Medicare for All"

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... you will have to push Nia's bun out of the way in that oven first.

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If Ben Casron wins the Presidency, every other country will be joining a lottery to see who gets to fuck with him first.

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That won't be necessary. Yes, the Republican Party owns it, but you maintain possession and pay for all upkeep that's been approved by the Republican Party.

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You know, the more I hear Dr. Carson speak, the more I detect a wee bit of passive-aggression. Unlike Trump whose bluster is sophomoric and "out there," Carson's hatefulness seems somewhat "sneaky." Is it just me? Perhaps.

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It's not "passive" aggression, it's "medicated" aggression. The man has actually stabbed someone and admits that he has anger issues in his book. While Thump is loud and crazy 'ol doc carson here is the quiet crazy & thems the scariest.

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Carson is a ticking time bomb. I'm hoping that the Hair Ferret™ pushes him too far, and he explodes. The rubes republican voters don't see the dangerous anger and hatred underneath the placid doctor mask.

Him next to the Big Red Button scares the living crap outta me.

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How about if I give up my bodily autonomy, most personal decisions and Constitutional rights to the government right after Ben Carson does?

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This appears to be Ben Carson's only issue, the only issue about which he ever talks. In other words, Ben Carson wants to be president solely in order to fuck with the reproductive rights of all American women. That's it. Period. Exclamation point. And he's currently and consistently polling second among GOP candidates. Did I miss something? Because if I didn't miss anything, this scares me.

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maybe he thinks all this spermies are precious and he has been sharing them all over the planet?

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Here's another thing Carson said:"I'll put an end to the idea that a woman's body belongs to her . . . Republican ideals demand that the practice of abortion shall be exterminated with a strong hand."

Oops. No, I'm sorry, that wasn't Carson and I quoted it wrong. It wasn't "Republican", it was "Nazi" and the author was Hitler in Mein Kampf.

That's how you use a Hitler analogy.

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