Protesting deregulation and supply side economics here is hardly trolling. <;)

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Leave your stripper girlfriend out of this.

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There is an old saw about never say never. Perhaps an older used one that needs some love and attention and the odd spanner being applied.

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President Bernie Sanders, I love the sound of that! Alas, it will never happen.

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Ain't I a stinker? ;)





relating to a modified form of liberalism tending to favor free-market capitalism.



a person holding neoliberal views.

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Heh, go for the full on Starship Troopers model, the 4 years is optional but you don't get to vote if you're under 35 and don't have some time of military service?

I would actually be really curious to see what the response to that proposal would be, both from the GOP in congress and the nuttier right wing corners of the internet. I have a feeling it would scare them as much as it might us, if for different reasons.

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Less a true "biker gang" than a "bunch of NYC assholes on bikes."Admittedly, one could hold a seminar series on the distinction.

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Dirty mind! I was referring to the OTB parlor.

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Alternate definition: Eisenhower Republican.


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Great, though a transaction tax on guided missley things would be nice, two birds with one stone...ish.

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Right, they only worry that there won't be enuff poor whites, and some scary brown will be wiping there their ass.

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Sure, confuse the issue with "facts".

What are you, some kind of scientitian?

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You heard me.

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Astronometer to you, buddy.

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Clearly. I just don't know what the fuck you're talking about. And now I'm convinced you don't, either.

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This would not be the first time you've posted before knowing what the fuck you're talking about, to be sure.

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