The missions in San Antonio were pretty much gone by the 30s, with only the crumbling churches left mostly alone by the stone-robbers. The missions you see today were, for the most part, built by the WPA.

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It easy to say she should have turned, looked him in the eye and said, “Really? Is this the best you can do? Behaving like a spoiled 5 year old. Go stand by your podium and be quiet until it’s your turn.”

But that was when people were still trying to deal with him like he was an actual politician and understood how things work. That’s after 5 years. Back then, I don’t blame her for not knowing what to do.

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Sounds like a real quote to me. Another one was by a a Wonker Jeffery above, "Republicans can either do nothing or something terrible.". They are not even happy with "I got mine" unless "you didn't get yours".

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I was thinking she would have looked fine if she’d allowed herself to age naturally. All the plastic surgery has turned her face into a plastic mask. She’s hardly the only woman to make that mistake, but in her case the “Aging trophy wife” look is particularly pathetic.

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I can understand why repuQs are ascared. They don't/won't/can't evolve.

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I did nazi that coming.

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Even they struggle to oppose the policies, they're just too popular, so the Nazis seek to change the playing field to an argument over semantics.

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In the late 1980s, I worked on my first effort to improve infrastructure, a word I had never heard until I got that job. In 30 years of working on infrastructure efforts, there was universal recognition among my colleagues that there is nothing sexy about infrastructure.

Bring in OHJB, and suddenly infrastructure is hot, hot, hot! I'm beginning to think there's nothing this guy can't do.


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Analyze the ROMS, looks for loads and offsets, and calculate. Those old ass machines had no computational overhead for security, so it's all just a bunch of loose pointers in memory.

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sacks of slimy pebbles dredged from the beds of dead, polluted streams.

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“Really? Is this the best you can do? Behaving like a spoiled 5 year old. Go stand by your podium and be quiet until it’s your turn.”

In my heart, I wish she had done that, but there's no way you could fault her.

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Coherent, consistent thought is not their strong suit.

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Who knew infrastructure could be such fun? https://uploads.disquscdn.c...

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You've certainly aged well. 😁

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Eisenhower sold highway infrastructure as the National Defense Highway System.

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