I voted this "poop emoji" because yeti pubes.

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After reading the first paragraph I fainted.

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Trump said something true. What happened in 2016 was a disgrace to our country.

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Donald is so easy to troll. It takes less than zero effort to send him into inappropriate emotional breakdown mode.

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Dammit... I'm back here in the new phantom thread again... Blergh. Well... I gotta go catch a flight. I'll catch you cats next week.

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I didn't faint, but I felt mildly queasy before I burst out laughing and went to read it aloud to someone else.

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Still is.

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Calling Gym “ Cry Me a River” Jordan.

“Ohio State Doctor Committed Nearly 1,500 Sexual Assaults, New Report Finds.”

https://www.huffpost.com/en... crime-repor_n_5d94ddc7e4b0019647b27ec6

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I’m kind of getting a kick from watching Trump meltdown while Adam Schiff is keeping his composure, refusing to take the bait and responding with “Yeah, whatever. Keep running your mouth so we can build an even better case of obstruction.”

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So, you know the phrase “fix your meds” or “tweak your meds”? Usually this means to adjust them to be more effective. With someone like Trump, who is already clearly devolving due to dementia and narcissism, their medication routines require frequent adjustments to match their conditions worsening. If one wanted to push him into a full collapse, one need only “tweak” his doses in the opposite direction, or swap out his pills. It would appear as though he were having a break down because he was having a break down.

Or, just have Nancy Pelosi call for a formal impeachment investigation. Lol

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I've been voting only poop emoji for 6 months now because this is all too insane.

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I picked a terrible time in world history to stop smoking cannabis. I don’t even drink.

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*Heaby Sigh...*


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I just can't believe it. I am agreeing with that fuckshit.It WAS a disgrace what happened in our country in 2016.

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It would be hilarious for Drumpf to be kicked off twitter for bullying.

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His rush to anger and jibberish is similar to a bi polar person.

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