After the election, I want the NYT to come to my local diner and interview me.

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My only complaint about "deplorables" is that it sounds like a word that a society dame in a "Three Stooges" short would use. It's the sort of word that could fill a person with pride at having ruffled the feathers of a snooty elitist. But she was so totally not wrong in calling them on their shit.

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So, Tim, has the President corrected his 'misstatement' yet?-crickets-

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yes. I do. have you ever killed a living thing? maybe a mouse that the trap didn't quite kill and you have to finish the job, or a dog that was hit by a car and you have to put it out of it's misery? how did that make you feel? did you flinch? now imagine killing another human being. proud boy or not, watching someone die in front of you is not like it is on TV. the military trains soldiers for months to deal with the psychological impact of it, and it still haunts them for the rest of their lives. if a proud boy shows up to your house with a gun, and you come out also with a gun, at that point it's very likely that either him or you will die, and neither one of those outcomes is a good one. and while you're hesitating to kill him, he's not hesitating to kill you. these guys love to shoot guns and watch rambo movies so he's much better prepared to shoot you before you shoot him. and if you don't hesitate and take that shot, either you just shot a random innocent person like oscar pistorius did to his wife, or you've just committed murder or maybe manslaughter because you shot first. if the proud boys are really that much of a threat to your family, find a room in your basement, put a steel reinforced door on it, and put a lock or bar that can only be opened from the inside. your family does not want you dead or in jail or even just dealing with the PTSD involved in killing someone. please please please don't keep a gun in your house. nothing ever good happens after someone pulls out a gun

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Huzzah, well said.

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Anthony gave us a pundemic, Trump gave us as pandemic.

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You can get security cameras that you can watch on your phone or computer. Being able to see what's going on outside brings my anxiety levels down a lot.

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If something like this DOES happen, and all right-thinking people hope that it doesn't, I'm not sure the GOP's unseemly delight in the prospect is a good look.

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That was a greatshow!

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As a skinny, be-glassed, un-coordinated kid who was constantly slapped around, I know exactly what this message to his bully-boys means. And I'll bet Trump was more of a wimp than almost anybody I ever hung around with.

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K. You're wrong. On just about everything.

As for keeping a gun in my house, I'm holding off for now.

It was never -- EVER -- about a "desire" to kill someone. Please examine your head.

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I see it a whoooooole lot on this beloved site.

"Good", self-ID'd "progressive" white people get so "uncomfortable" (white folks' favorite word when there's something they just don't want to deal with, like the fact that it's pervasive in every piece of life is what makes the racism SYSTEMIC, and Donald the KKK-sonner and his HenchPublicans are literally trying to make it worse WITH VIOLENCE, like he was Bull Connor with the hose) with the topic -- either because they're just bored because they think it doesn't have anything to do with them because "they don't do it" (like they don't BENEFIT from it - they do) OR

because they "don't know what to DO about it" (even though BIPOC have told them *literally millions* of times, because since they're "good" white people they don't want to examine the fact that they don't listen to BIPOC and THAT is the part of the problem that the Russian KGB EXPERTS have LITERALLY IDENTIFIED as the weak spot in American defenses that they can exploit ... because these "good white people" *don't care enough* that BIPOC could get killed by the Proud Boys trying to vote that those same white people DON'T REALIZE that the percentage by which the Russiapublicans have SUPPRESSED THE BIPOC VOTE is the SAME PERCENTAGE by which Democrats LOST in 2016.

All there in the manual.

"Good" white people who don't care enough about the suppression of BIPOC votes are literally the weak spot in American democratic defenses that Russiapublicans exploit.



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I don't think it's the undecideds, at least not this time.

It's the good guys who find themselves busy on election day or who are just too disgusted by the whole spectacle to even want to show up.I'm pretty sure that what really tipped the scales in 2016 was that Trump managed to make the whole election so disgusting that a lot of people couldn't face having anything to do with Trump, including marking a ballot that had his name on it to vote against him.

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I like this idea.

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They are already trying to block any of us from voting

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She ain’t wrong!!!

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