Oh Jeebus. I am so distraught that he still has a platform to play with toys he was denied as a child. Can I add Fuck um?

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Boomerang Toomerang Soomerang libel!!!!!!!!!!!!111,,!1!!!,11,!1!

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I usually imagine Miss Lindsey, channeling Blanche duBonkers, saying... "I have always depended on a kind of strangeness"...

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Yes!!!"Not to be taken literally" haha!Now I know not to take anything a Republican says literally.....oh wait...Damn It!!

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I dunno. A running gun battle on the steps of the capitol building, pitting special forces against the Tea Party Congresscritters. I'd do pay-per-view for that.

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He does bear a resemblance to Stuart Smalley.

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And other times they are you're enemies.

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Graham/Jindal 2016 - Because We Literally Don't Fucking Care Anymore

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Ladies Don't Stop Believing Magical Purity Grace T-Shirt; White "Beauty Dish" Reflector; Metal Headboard in White; and Stop Bath.

Well played, Needful Things, well played.

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He would be the first female president----well, sorta.

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And the funny thing is - those cuts to defense Sen. Graham is on about? Those are cuts from the sequester Sen. Graham and his Republican running buddies instituted under the sequester. You remember the sequester? That was the cunning plan (a la Baldrick from BlackAdder) whereby the Democrats would have to "repeal" "Obamacare" because they couldn't feature budget cuts to all their needy constituents.

Strangely enough, when you take away the very little you're doing for desperately poor people, they don't really notice it that much; they're very accustomed to making do and getting by on less. But fatcat defense contractors? If the money isn't funneled directly into their overstuffed pockets, it's not worth the effort to reach out and grab the big bucks, and boyohboy do they let their bought-and-paid-for congress critters know about it.

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*sigh* It looks like we literally need to play this damn primer again.

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James G. Buchanan and Edith Wilson libels!!!!!!111,,,!,!1

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Curiosity killed the cat (with votes.)

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The military line was not to be taken literally, according to Kevin Bishop? Didn't Bishop mean that Lindsey Grahams pathetically obvious attempt to pass himself off as some kind of macho dude in a romance novel was not to be taken literally?

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de la Rentboy, I'd think.

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