I think by the general nature of big-box stores, there probably aren't any.The whole idea of big-box strores is likely a right-wing invention.

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What I am pretty sure they can't do, despite being an 'entertainment' network, is repeatedly urge people to do things that are demonstrably harmful. I would go even as far as seditious, since they have access to alternative and verifiable information, and they clearly ignored it.

Imagine Faux news all day every day telling people to stop using seat belts?

Rupert has put Lachlan in charge, and by a lot of accounts, his arrogance is only superseded by his inability to read a room. His brother, James, just quit a very lucrative post as a Fox board member, so I think the smarter one knew the gig is up.

Fox has long passed 'opinions' and lemming'd into inciting the public.

Numerous people now testify how they couldn't get their Fox watching parents to listen, who then died from the covid 'hoax' as a result. Lots of reports on how the Fox stations practice CDC recommendations: like quarantine, social distancing, hand-washing, and testing. That detail will be pretty damning in court.

Fox would've been better off claiming they were a religion peddling demon sperm as covid cures, than pretend they didn't know this BS would harm the American people.

I want Tucker, Shapiro, and KKKayleigh MagaNinny meme morphed into the girl who talked her boyfriend into killing himself.

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It's going to take a long time, too.

It could lead to prison over-crowding, in which Bannon, Newt Gringritch, and Alex Jones share a tiny cell. The cell is dank and roach infested, but contains one tiny gold toilet.

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Rodrigo Duterte agrees

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Even more so by the colonisation of the West.

He literally wanted to put Russians, Poles etc. on reservations, steal their land, kidnap their babies and bring them up as Nazis, etc.

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I have to stop you right in that first sentence - Fox News is NOT an 'entertainment' network, that is the on-the-air Fox network.Now perhaps you meant that they have said that their evening lineup from 8-11 Eastern is all opinion shows, and may be entertaining to some. But the rest of the time they are a news network.Mind you they are a real fake news network, although occasionally some true stuff sneaks through.

And yes, the fake news that they spread is full of lies that are very dangerous to most people, but there is really nothing that can be done about that, at least without a change in what power the FCC has, or the power that a similar organisation created to police cable and satellite networks might bring.

But Fox News is not the only cable network fomenting falsehoods. Now here I might annoy some people here who might disagree, but another example to me is what the Travel Channel has now become. Virtually every show is now about ghosthunters allegedly finding ghosts all over the country. Similarly, some channel is still trying to prove that Sasquacthes are real. And let's not go into the horridness of the ''housewives'' types of show, and the prisoner types of shows, and the numerous shows on WeTV that often show black people fighting (sorry, that's the only way I can describe it).

Now you may think it's silly to complain about these kinds of things. But the same people that believe in this ghost hunting and saquatch hunting bullshit are likely to be the same types that will believe other unreal stuff like they push on Fox News. And the white people who watch these prison shows and the various shows where they see the black people fighting, well, this just reinforces the stereotypes they have of ALL black people. So its not just Fox News that needs to be taken to task.

Until the entire cable industry gets it's act together, of COURSE Fox News will thrive, as there will always be people who wil believe lives if they are pushed enough.

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"Micxhael Bloomberg"


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No, nobody is as strange-looking as Stone. Zippy the pinhead's twin.

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You can also get it through Apple podcasts and YouTube, but iHeart is still producing it. If you just don't want to give them any listeners (understandable), then I don't suppose it matters how you listen to it.

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Increased wind resistance.

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Ta, Stephen.

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Ah Jeanine , who upends the bottle before , during and after the situation .

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Being hoisted on your own pitard.

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What's everyone doing today to defeat this authoritarian nightmare – and everyone like him – on 11/3?

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A distinction that will be lost on Shit-for-Brains Trump.

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