Indeed. And I believe he will go on to do great things.

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Mrs. Grundy sitting there disapproving everything.

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I'm just wondering why she was even there in the first place. Was she hoping to top Joe Wilson with some ass-brained outburst?

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I'd pay good money to see that happen.

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What does it say about our political culture--or maybe just Headless's heart--that his conclusion almost sounds incredibly naive about both history and the present? I mean, I was moved. Perhaps not as much as you, but I was, but at the same time I found myself wondering how one builds a politics out of it, at all, much less during an election year.

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Here is a Trump SOU sample, only this is more intellectual and far less misogynistic: https://www.youtube.com/wat...

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Tell me about it. Aren't they the ones who always say "If you don't like X, then LEAVE?"

Which reminds me, whatever happened to those libertarian dweebs who wanted to make an oil rig micro-nation west of San Francisco?

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Looking like a rejected sister-wife extra from "Big Love." "We'll call you if we need you, hun. Now it's back to the compound with you."

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Supposedly she was supposed to be a sobering or disapproving presence, or something something, to counter Obama being all happy about gay marriage. And to "encourage" Christians. Something, something.

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Oh, I'm afraid alright. Ever since Paul Broun- not even a week out from the 2008 election- compared Obama to Hitler. I've been consumed by this sinking feeling that my countrymen, my representatives, and even my family and friends, were dumber and crazier than I dared think.

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Please, dear universe, let it be true

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the ugly inside really shows through, don't it

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They're all washed up

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Just like the Bible says it will


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gosh- little Eddie Munster is all growed up now. and an asshole

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needz moar car chases. and exploshunz

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