If I can keep from setting mine on fire with the welder I count that as a good day.

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... I think this fits here...

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Sure - good luck collecting on that one.

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Well, the Democrats have always excelled at snatching defeat from the jaws of victory.

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That would terrible. Imagine the carnage around the Golden Corral just before the Early Bird special - all those folks flying in and trying to park.

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Right. He's on first.

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Oh dear God, no. Drivers around here are dangerous enough on just one surface.

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'...President Obama, who decided to ride around the White House lawn on his victory steed, alternately shouting things like “Suck it so hard, haters!” and “I am the best at Presidenting!” and “Look, Michelle, no hands!"'

Best chuckle of the afternoon!

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They did those other four in the time you took you to post and Zippy to post.

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Has anyone tried suing their crappy red state for not offering equal Federal benefits? I'm in a crappy red state but I can't since I have corporate insurance. (THANK YOU BOSS!)

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In my mind it's Crappy pizza, too (don't really know though)

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The day after the 2008 election, the wingnuts all crowed that their sole mission was to make Obama fail and be a one-term President.

They failed.

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Only insofar as he bitch-slapped that bugger and turned him into sharkskin boots later.

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Considering "nothing" can be read as slang for a woman, yeah, I'd say they've been making much ado about that, too

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It's like a regular "Cram-a-thon" lately.

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Eventually, I'd like to see the old Medicare system go away completely. Then states will have no choice but to accept the new system. I can't see our government willing to run two different systems that attempt to accomplish the same job. It may take a few years (or a decade) but eventually states will see it is cheaper to go into the new system than remain like Florida, staunchly opposed to the new and demanding funds through the old system.

It's like when Microsoft drops support of an old version of Windows, usually everyone bitches and cries, and then once they're forced to accept the new OS they basically forget about the old one.

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