joke's on you, I never sign on to my ER rotation!

I haz a sad---I couldn't find my favorite "Breaking Away" scene where the kid literally punches the time clock and breaks it :(

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who wants to know? and if it's you, are you coming on to him?


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why is it dented? did they try neutralizing it? It could be one of those CD, I mean DVD cases (I'm approaching oldness)My dad started flying lessons some 16 or 17 years ago and wuz gonna try to read a book on IFR while waiting at the airport to board a commercial flight, but this was a few months after 9-11 and my mom suggested that being of swarthy complexion (it doesn't matter if Hindu, Sikh or Muslim) it might not be the best reading material in this setting.

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I'd click on it, but it's Twitchy, so fuck those assholes.

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what else can I say, everyone is gay...

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Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic. In Texas.

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True. They have an imagination. Something republicans lack, unless it means a Christian world, with only millionaires, and slaves.

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I love gay people! They are so cute!

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Maybe ;)

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Nah, nah, he be wearing those pants that hang down below the ass. Would love to see that.

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Point taken, I should have just taken it from Twitter.Badly worded- they were quickly called out on it and deleted and tweeted a correction later. https://uploads.disquscdn.c...

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I'm never gonna do it without the fez on.

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The architecture at my alma mater is a combination of Brutalism, Structuralism and schizophrenia.

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What do you mean "not a great film??" Please.

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Hey, I like it a lot, but the opening sequence, of how the world got so stupid, is genius, but it doesn't sustain it. It's good, but Mike Judge, shot his load, with that opening. Once the premise is set up, it just plods along, with some great moments here and there. Not bad, but, I think they just ran out of ideas on the writing end.

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Perry wouldn't acknowledge 24 hour clocks; they're are part of an evil leftish plan to undermine US independence.

Actually I heard that from one of Nigel Farrage's headless chickens about the UK

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