Since we love periphery demographics here (*cough* MLP *cough*), some background on Fraggle Rock for those who aren't familiar with it:

The story goes that Jim Henson was taking a long and boring trip and mused aloud, "I'd like to make a TV show that brings about world peace."The result of this idea was Fraggle Rock, produced for the CBC in Canada, and aired on HBO in the U.S. in 1983-87. The series depicted a colorful and fun world, but it was also a world with a relatively complex ecosystem. The different races of creatures were each connected through symbiosis, even though they never realized it. [...]The series' triumph, by far, was being able to express all of this onscreen without being Anvilicious or insulting the intelligence of its young audience. By the second season, there wasn't an issue they wouldn't tackle. The writers refused to over-simplify any individual issue, and instead simply illustrated the consequences and inherent difficulties of different actions and relationships. Though the Fraggles do learn important lessons, they are rarely self-conscious about it.

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Demented Granny Dowd is taking shots at "docile granny" Clinton

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Dead Kennedys did it better.

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What is the minimum requirement to become a columnist for the paper of record? It has to be incredibly low if MoDo qualifies.

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Touchy and huffy seems to be the normal guilt reaction of nations still in denial about enthusiastic participation in genocide. Turkey comes to mind.

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Cool. I'm on the Chet Atkins diet. I can't eat anything but country and western music.

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To complete the nightmare, you'd have to introduce Bella Abzug as the Stable Boy.

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Just keep the edibles away from MoDo.

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i still like dark hair and pale skin from a boyhood crush on her. gomez was a lucky dog.

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Penis envy?

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'Tish! That's French!'

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It's pronounced 'tater chips'.

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All the upfists for you this morning!

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And cowgirls.

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Judith Miller libel!

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Back in college, working a very late security shift with a buddy, he wrote down a comparison of communism and capitalism loosely based on the Fraggle Rock world. It was quite an amusing piece of prose (to say the least), and your link above somehow has it making sense. Lack of sleep is a helluva drug.

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