Israel's political system isn't confusing! It's just like US America. On one side, you've got the corrupt racist nutjobs who pander to fundamentalist religious bigots, and on the other side, you've got the conservatives, who are worse.

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Bernie Sanders running on a Socialist ticket!

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Reagan was definitely a moron; not sure about Dubya, since it's clear that he's at least smarter than ¡Hermano Jeb!

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Like Andrew Breitbart!!!

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Obama was responding to a bit of a worried question from a journalist, along the lines of “Please don’t stop being president, Barry, no, don’t leave, what if one of those gross Republican motherfuckers got to be president? We’re scared!”

Fond memories of November 2008, when the entire country, with one voice, begged Mr. Obama to please start his job early, and pull us back from the brink. And he had to keep saying, over and over: I'm not president til January, yo.


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My one hope is that his sense of humor may get the better of his dignity, in which case he can go on the Obama Rockin' World Tour, telling GOP jokes and playing to SRO crowds in stadiums.

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How long will it take for fox to call for "inpeachment"?

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Nice try, but no ALL CAPS or references to BENGHAZI11!!!!1!!! I give it a C-.

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Say, you know who else liked to use lots of exclamation points?

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This is so weak that we won't even flag you for the Banhammer. Yawn.

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Japanese kids shows?

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I hope Ted Cruz was personally insulted by this.

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Things were so much better when Bush left us with rising unemployment, 2 wars, and rising numbers of uninsured.

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IKR? The only thing that gives me hope when I nightmare-hear the words "President-elect Trump" is the knowledge that closing a nation's borders is a time-consuming process, and those of us who need to flee will mostly be able to get out before the rest of the world erects the fences.

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Next time you get a few minutes go look into the gender, race and religious demographics of Presidential elections. When St. Ronny got elected White European-descended Male Christian were a VERY significant percentage of the voters. Less so by the time George W got elected, as seen in his losing the popular vote and needing to steal election #1. His win in election 2 actually NEEDED the specific events that precipitated it (i.e. the largest outside attack on the US since Pearl Harbor, this time on CIVILIANS!!! and the relatively swift and somewhat US-Death-Free 'victory' in Iraq). Now, 8 years later, the percentage of WEMC's is down even further. And to add to the crazy, The GOP has essentially written off virtually every other part of the voting public (except maybe physically threatened White European-descended female spouses...) and are going to try to win by getting HUUUGE turnout among their 'minority'....

So, can it work? Without another 9/11, or without a financial crash of Bushian proportions between now and next November?

No. It can not. And best news is it gets even harder for them 4 years later... and harder 4 years after that... and... (you get the picture)...

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That's right, he farts in your general direction wingnuts....

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