You're just a guy who likes to think outside of the box.

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How is it possible that just his head is about the same size as a couple of those actual children?

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The type is huge so the President can read it on his dinky little monitor, as you can see in the picture.

That, or I guess someone who now owns the place is fiddling with some of the levers and dials on the Intensedebate machinery.

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my bff is not on facebook, i'm on it and hate it and no, you're not missing anything.

i've said this elsewhere but it's like picking a scab.

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group entertainment in gingham.

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wanna bet barbara's a PUMA?

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bamz if you want to waste time on the interwebs, COME TO WONKETTE!!!

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Oh. They're going to make millions, aren't they?

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WTF is Pinterest, anyhow? And who, if anybody, needs it?

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If he got one, the wingtards would be howling about how it was made overseas, and the bigger it was, the more elite (and waste-of-taxpayer-munniez) it would be.

Which is why he should get a 27" iMac, and let 'em all go fuck off.

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Those can't be all of their kids, can it? Tell me there are some nieces and nephews in the mix.

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Links come in, links go out...you can't explain it.

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Someone, in a factory somewhere is on the assembly line for these things thinking, "what the fuck have I done with my life".

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Why do I have the feeling that there's an adult friend finder social media thingy called "Sinterest" in the making?

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If he were a real Amurikun, he'd be looking at porn.

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