Ohhhhh so THAT'S Phase II...

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If they object to being paid more at a non-profit, take all the extra money and donate it back to the organization.


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Dam this dizzy ass broad who wrote this sounds like he wants people to continue working like slaves for little to nothing. Fuck Walmart they should pay people way more than they are now. Take yo dizzy ass to Walmart and get a job so you can work like a slave for nothing dumb bitch

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And the failure to update overtime regulations means fewer workers qualify for overtime, which means more workers are working long hard hours and still barely surviving

I'm starting to think that Karl Marx guy was onto something.

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Mr. Potter libelz!

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Yeah, it's all because Obama don't care and your daddy don't rock and roll.

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Walther Funk, I'm thinking?

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The blue pills are expensive. The blue balls are available free (more or less). The white lanes are reserved for departures.

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Without reading the article I predict republicans are calling this "another government over reach and a job killing regulation"

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mmmm lerve me some presidential throat cramming

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Lame Duck Obama is AWESOME.

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both gullible and right wing propaganda machine are acceptable answers

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Could be worse. Could be "They estimate it has been deserted for some time." Least. specific. estimate. ever.

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Fox News already has that covered in a canine whistley way.

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There are going to be a whole lot of people who not only now have affordable healthcare but will see an increased paycheck. There has to be some significant portion of that group that listen to Republican promises to take back both of those things and think, "I am not voting for that," and either stay home on election day or vote Democratic ticket. At some point even the most entrenched working-class Republican has to figure it out.

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Hmm... now that you mention it, they were never seen together.

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