Comes right down to it? The thing I like best about this is the Japanese "new driver" sticker I 'shopped onto the kiddie car.

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And it seems obvious that GWB just adores the Obamas.

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I know more than Donnie trump about everything but bankruptcy.

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Poor Rick Perry!

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I believe if we continue to put it everywhere, much like mocking "President Bannon" that resulted in his Bannon's eventual removal, Trump will spectacularly shart himself over it.

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"highly resistant to actually learning new things that contradict [one's] worldview" is characteristic of a conservative mindset. It's also characteristic of less-than-high intelligence.

There are, of course, intelligent conservatives whose views can change when faced with contradicting evidence which they actually consider. (Though politically conservative, they're intellectually liberal.) However, the less skilled one is at considering evidence in general, the greater one's tendency to reject the contradicting evidence as "irrelevant" or "flawed" and to cast logically fallacious aspersions on those whose views are consistent with the evidence.

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As Frothy Mix might say, "What a snob!"

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It's also a hallmark of classic narcissism (ignoring objective reality if it doesn't jive with your inflated sense of self or your personal narrative).

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I'm an ivory tower elitist with a G.E.D. and a certificate in Natural Areas Management from the local community college, and half a lifetime studying Botany all by myself. I'll cop to being a music snob, though.

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Hey! Trump stole my dog's car...http://www.pugnow.com/wp-co...

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Maybe all of us GED alumni should form an exclusive society and get a certain kind of tie, and then make a proclamation that we never expected- ever- to be ten thousand times smarter than our president! Therefore we're ashamed of Trump, who's not only a mammoth fool who's learned less in 70 years about the world than most babies know, but who also is fantastically mean, and fails every worthiness test there is. I think it's a good idea. ( Be true to your school.)

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I only want smart people governing me. I don't mean thinks-he's-smart like Trump, or Republicans-say-he's-smart like Ryan. I mean people who are truly, measurably, brilliantly smart, and who have EQ as well as IQ.

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But that's not because Pence is stupid, it's because he's got God telling him how to shit on everyone in one ear and Jesus forgiving him for it in the other.

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He'd be fine at Sears. A few weeks ago I went to Sears to buy a plunger. Not only did they not have one, but the guy working in the hardware section did not know what a plunger was. I am not making this up!

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You said it. Off all the barf-inducers he's produced, that is the one that truly defines him as having no redeeming qualities. He frivolously orders acts of war while he pampers himself with cake. Then has no thoughts about it other than how gratifying it was to be simultaneously powerful and pampered while imagining the look on the face of everyone watching was awe and envy, not disgust and contempt.

There's no way he isn't a traitor and a criminal. He's too stupid, self-absorbed, and amoral to even get his head around the concept of "traitor" or "criminal". He'll do anything to stuff his bottomless glutton hole and that's all there is to him.

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