I miss the good ol days when there was just one phantom thread instead of one on each article. :(

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Well, at least he’s learned to emulate that famed reserve and rectitude by watching Robert Mueller. Right? So composed...

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Excuse me...you can pull over right here. Baconz would like to get off planet Earth now. I'll walk the rest of the way

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Russia disappeared?

Shit. I need to get a new globe.

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O/t nice time. Just had a momma deer birth a fawn about 60 feet from me as I was stripping the paint off a 19thc door. Watched her as she fed it for the first time and licked it stem to stern. Weee tiny wittle thing. This should sustain me through some of today's fresh hell.

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Yeah, Trump is as composed as a Sun-Ra free form jazz exploration at a Newport Rhode Island festival

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Good to know the Russians helped Hillz. Means Donald Fredovich will do something about Russian interference in 2020.

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I watched every one of these clips.

Baconz is warning other Wonkers. Do not watch them on your phone if you are having lunch in a city or town center.


If you watch them where, when, and how I did...you will end up shitting your pants, punting a pigeon into a homless man's face and then pushing down a pregnant woman.

I am waiting for a few other nice gentlemen from the Pittsburgh Police to take me to a mental institution to get the pills and shock treatment I need.

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"Kegstand and the Douche" sounds like the title for a new TV show.

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Anyone ever notice his eyes and mouth look the same in that first pic?

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I see it as more of a morning radio program.

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life is beautiful

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"There was no crime because there was no information." Hey douche-bro, there was no information because you obstructed justice. Hey, there's a crime for you! Maybe even a high crime!

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Actually, I think you're right about that. I was thinking "two bumbling Supreme Court justices who try to fight crime at night, while failing hilariously at both their jobs." Yours doesn't need as much setup (and is not as hazardous to the country).

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I think we need a better 8 minutes of video...

So Baconzgood presents. BASSET HOUNDZ


Try to be in a bad mood after this. I dare you.

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