"Giuliani’s favorite “legal” activity the past several weeks has been going on TV and fucking his own client in the nose..."


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If either Ghouliani or Cheeto Benito ever flees to Russia, I expect Putin to react like Vader.

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We have always been at war with Rudy Giuliani.

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Yes, homosexxicans and moozlens add up to 0.1% of the population. Remind me tomorrow to start the "BizzaroBrewer Skool For Kids Who Can't Math Good".

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that GIF! 🤣

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I see a little silhouetto of a manScaramucci, Scaramucci, will you do the fandango?Thunderbolt and lightning, very, very frighteningGiuliani!(Giuliani)Giuliani!(Giuliani)Giuliani BoogalooNosferatuuuuuu!

(apologies to Queen)

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Evan, I can't believe you suckered me into watching that My Pillow guy's ad. I think I lost a few brain cells there. Sigh!

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Person who takes burger order and person who delivers said order.

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Thanks for the link. It was hilarious!

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I wouldn't let Giuliani clean my septic tank. When he fucked that up (which he, of course, would), I'd be in deep shit.

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Congratulations. You now possess the finely-honed comedic skills of The Onion.


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Only the best. Skimping on cheaper peanut butter ok. Lawyers when facing enormous legal troubles....not so much.

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For some reason that made me think of Rick Moranis as dark helmet.

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Wonkette should do a little bookmaking on how long rudy lasts.

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That stupid fucker put all of NYCs emergency response offices in WTC 7. Did he do for a kickback from Silverstein or because he's just a idiot and always has been.

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