Poop-N-Tweet: worst breakfast cereal ever.

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'... is a mystery wrapped up in a conundrum wrapped up in a Big Mac wrapper wrapped up in a thicket of Yeti Pubes wrapped up in a white hood...'

Why do I even fucking _bother_ having breakfast anymore?

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Apparently, he does have a boner bone that causes him to molest women.

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OT: does anyone remember a book about a cooper on the East Coast in the 19th century, who moves to Michigan just as the state was being founded? He moves there because Michigan needed coopers! I know this is random, but does that tickle any memory cells? My aunt read such a book years ago and gave it away. Now she wants to re-read it. Thank you! Bonus random Iowa picture! https://uploads.disquscdn.c...

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He does have a rapist bone in his body.

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