https://www.youtube.com/wat... Jeff Daniels from ‘Newsroom’. The last part is most important. We CAN be better. Identifying the problem is the first step in the solution. Kind of like the corona virus. Had we tested early like other developed countries with ‘inferior’ healthcare, we could have identified and contained much better. Save the country? Dr. Doom? I have paid more taxes to various jurisdictions in this country for 45 years than most. I learn my song well before I sing. I like to shine light into areas that need more attention. Like the poor and vulnerable that don’t care about how the stock market is doing. Like the media and politicians babbling about the right versus the left, which plays right into the schemes and strategy of the powers that really run the country, and why economically things have continued to get getting worse for MOST of us through both Dem and Rep. administrations since Carter. I love this country, I started with two strikes against me and have now lived the American dream. The Republic is not on a good path. Bad Moon Rising. If you like, we can go thru all the bad scotus decisions and bilateral legislation that have tilted the game in favor of the donor class, the wasted and unaudited tax dollars spent perpetuating the myth of the rich helping the poor. The innocent lives lost to save face of the leaders of the world, starting right here in the good ol USA. It’s not just Trump, it’s not just the virus. This could be a huge opportunity for a major reset of the current deadly capital ecocide versus labor path we are on.

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He just can't stop being an IDIOT. I still believe he's got syphilis.

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I'm guessing that Trish has started to formulate the idea that there's more to life than Botox...even life at Fox. At her thought rate, she'll have that idea fully figured out by the time the isolation ends...on Easter in the full churches.

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He might call himself "President Mob Boss", but that's yet another one of his self-fellating fantasies.He wouldn't last five minutes in a real mob before he met a Joe Pesci in "Goodfellas" fate.Also, actual mobsters at least wear suits that fit them properly.

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Wiping out the poorest and most vulnerable has been a feature, not a bug, as far as the GOP is concerned, and there is not a single action they've taken over the last 40 years that has not been perfectly consistent with this.

The virus is just speeding up the process, and I would bet money that every single red hat wearing momo is confident in the assumption that it will only harm the people it's "supposed to".

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"somebody as vile but at least polite"

Respectfully disagree.My worst nightmare is that, now that the GOP has succeeded beyond their wildest hopes with the Trump test balloon, and seen in real time that there is *literally nothing* they can't get away with, they will try it next time with somebody equally sociopathic, but *smart*.

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I can't comment knowledgeably on whether Ford, GM, et. al. are well set up to build ventilators, or what sort of mechanical retooling would be necessary for that.However, I will say that:A. The Ford plant that Trump singled out is an *assembly* plant. You cannot assemble anything unless you actually have the parts for it; and B. There are presumably a lot of sanitary/infection control standards for a factory that makes medical equipment, as contrasted with even the cleanest factory that makes cars.

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I was thinking that Trump would cough and hack through his next speech, then fall over dead, at which point, Mike Pence would take over the mic and say, "Healthiest, most alive President ever" -- but sure, ghostly possession is good, too.

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Deliberately withholding needed medical care is in fact literally considered "genocide by medical neglect" -- I would think more so under these circumstances, since it is being withheld selectively to punish a country's own citizens.

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Bold of you to assume that there will BE an election.

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I'm afraid you're probably right about that.

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Where's the MOD Squad when you need them. "It's pure horse, book 'em."

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Grim fucking rant. Ok, warned you. Turn back now. Abandon hope all ye who enter here.

I've had a couple of thoughts collide in my head in the past 12 hrs and I'm just a wee bit freaking out. Ever wondered, when you're reading Stephen King's The Stand or similar what it would be like to live in such times? Well, we are there. We are in a sci-fi movie timeline where things are fucked and getting fucked-er. We have an idiot president and a plague that is going to kill millions and destroy the economy and who knows wtf else.

Here's what set me off. I read an unrelated article last night that had the words "refugee camp" in it. And I realized, you could substitute "virus breeding grounds" for "refugee camp". And I realized, how ever much we wash our hands and keep our distance, there are places in the world (including refugee camps) where they can't even wash their hands once a day because there isn't enough clean water. Where there's no place to go to distance yourself because, where ever you go, there you are, you and 3 dozen other people who haven't washed their hands. And you might as well stay and die at home as go to a hospital, 'cause there ain't nearly enough health resources there on a good day. Where the number of ventilators available to nearby hospitals is zero and likely to stay that way.

Poor countries gonna get fucked. Bad. We'll do our best to keep our communities safe and look like puzzled schnauzers at the weird world we now live in while the virus spreads like ants on a picnic ham in poor countries. Poor people gonna drop like flies.

And this fantastic article from Becca's tabs this morning: https://www.miamiherald.com... about how much harder it is in a poor community in the US to do all the things we privileged folks are whining about. Harder to not go to work when you're literally struggling to survive. Harder to not go to school when you don't have enough food at home and maybe you're trying to stay away from domestic violence. Harder to keep your distance when you're not in a single-family home on a half acre of land.

So this: We ain't seen nothin' yet. People who are:In poor countries including refugee campsIn poor cities in rich countriesIn relatively crowded, urban areas

These people are not going to be able to part of the solution how ever much they'd love to shelter in place and self quarantine and constantly wash their hands. They're going to die in disproportionate numbers.

The numbers so far aren't showing the virus making much of an inroad into the third world. I wonder if that's because it's not spreading there yet or because it's spreading there like wildfire but we don't have any statistics or any way of knowing what's going on? I dunno, what do you think?

Some shitty republican types would probably take this as good news. "Look, the world will be less overloaded and we'll be fine!" The gods have an extra chuckle up their chucklin' sleeve for those assholes, they are the ones who can and should stay home but who think it looks better for them to be out there supporting the president and the economy. They will also die in disproprtionate numbers, although stupidity isn't nearly as effective a killer as poverty.

------Whew, it felt good to get that off of my chest. I hope I don't damage anyone's psyche with this. I needed a semi-anonymous place to say all that.

----ETA: UNHCR estimates 70.8 Million refugees in the world today. Assume they all get the Roni. Assume the Roni kills 2% of them. There's 1.4Million deaths right there.

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Whoa, whoa, whoa. I thought we already had enough ventilators. NY doesn't really need more than 4,000.

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Link is still around.

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Don't worry, he'll find a way to vilify the dying and the dead. And his followers will cheer!

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