Repeating extremist libertarian talking points isnotgoing to make Tim Pawlenty somehow actually exist in our space-time continuum, but that isn't stopping the fictional candidate from whimpering Koch Brothers' fantasies of shutting down the entire government forever.
Good thing the Forgetting Industry (which seems to provide truckloads of the service to Repub candidates) is privately owned, or else Little Timmy Who might want to eliminate it.
I assume it's a Koch brothers subsidiary.
Someone should arrange for T-Paw to have a nice long vacation in Somalia, where he can enjoy firsthand the joys that accompany a non-functional government in which the private sector rules.
I couldn't bring myself to actually listen to it but I'm 100% sure the word "if" is featured, as in "I'm sorry if I upset anyone".
<i>Pawlenty said those organizations &ldquo;were all built for a time in our country when the private sector did not adequately provide those products. That&rsquo;s no longer the case.&quot;</i>
The Postal Service delivers a letter for 44cents. FedEx delivers a letter for $10. Email delivers a letter for free, after cost of a computer or smartphone and a $50/month internet connection. Thanks private sector!
Good thing the Forgetting Industry (which seems to provide truckloads of the service to Repub candidates) is privately owned, or else Little Timmy Who might want to eliminate it.
I assume it&#039;s a Koch brothers subsidiary.
Does that mean we don&#039;t need Republican politicians?
And Star of David bling.
Yeah, that would require them to read said beloved document and comprehend its contents. That&#039;s a no-go.
yes and amtrak is not exactly the purview of the well-heeled.
that movie scared the bejesus out of me.
remember when bush tried to partly privitize social security and then the market tanked??
good times.
the government printing office?
also, i&#039;m glad we got all those pentagon cost overruns taken care of.
I&#039;m going to get perfect student evaluations next year! I just am!
Someone should arrange for T-Paw to have a nice long vacation in Somalia, where he can enjoy firsthand the joys that accompany a non-functional government in which the private sector rules.
I couldn&#039;t bring myself to actually listen to it but I&#039;m 100% sure the word &quot;if&quot; is featured, as in &quot;I&#039;m sorry if I upset anyone&quot;.
TPazzzzzz. When a regular sleeping pill just won&#039;t do the job.
<i>Pawlenty said those organizations &ldquo;were all built for a time in our country when the private sector did not adequately provide those products. That&rsquo;s no longer the case.&quot;</i>
The Postal Service delivers a letter for 44cents. FedEx delivers a letter for $10. Email delivers a letter for free, after cost of a computer or smartphone and a $50/month internet connection. Thanks private sector!