Noted. Do understand, however, Difficulty Level = Advanced since the closest one to west-coast Canada is...... Arkansas.

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Nah, it's not the My Pillow guy, it's Roman Moronie


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Dick anything is never OT on Wonkette.

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Except that Mueller hires only the best people, the very best. Only in his case, it's actually true, and does not include anyone who would ever consider working for the usurper.

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How long before El Presidente is sending staffers to the nearest Legal Aid Society office?

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I'd like to see Drumpf put into a giant catapult on the Alaskan coast and fired out over the ocean in the direction of Russia.

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It's only Tuesday. Sorry.

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Is there a song that gets played by the Marine Corps Band when a President is publicly impeached? Like, when Drumpf is lead out of the service entrance at the White House in cuffs and leg irons?

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If it's good enough for the Romulans it's good enough for us!https://vignette.wikia.noco...

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Thanks for ruining Waffle House.....

(From someone who's wanted to try Waffle House forever)

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"Mr Chairman! I have...I have-- 57! I have 57 names of people in this government who I can prove are members of a very stupid group of very stupid, stupid people."

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I have it on deep background that his original name for the product was My Cranial Support Device Is Better Than Yours but Babby Jerbus came to him in a dream and made him change it so go figger!

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Yeah, about that giant tunnel under the Hudson. Obama was really behind this project and had a lot to do with getting the funding going on it.

Any idea how a certain President of the United States feels about projects endorsed and funded by a certain President Barack Obama?

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A woman at work gets asked out by a fellow employee. He offers to take her and her three kids between 11-14 to a movie. She accepts, not knowing what movie he's got in mind.

I see her Monday morning and say, "So, what movie did you go see?"

Pulp Fiction. Just out, and she has no idea what it's like until she sits down in that theater with her three kids.

There was not a second date.

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