All those risotto recipes were super dangerous though! Hillary's emails and the DNC were also responsible for 9-11 and the crucifixion. Fox News told me so. Assange is clearly a heroic and unbiased truth-seeker and definitely not a strategic leaker of information to serve his own ends.

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Well there was all that antisemitism, propping up a Belorussian strongman AND a Turkish strongman, doxxed gay men in Saudi Arabia, and doxxed Jews in Baghdad. He's fucking trash.

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So you throw in non sequiturs while ignoring that the article has receipts on Russia influencing the election. Also on WMDs and weapons labs, other intelligence agencies didn't agree, but on this other intelligence agencies do agree.

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Either put up the evidence or shut the fuck up. Citing a whole website as evidence is like saying, go check Wikipedia for my evidence, and no I won't say which article.

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I can amplify what you said about Bernie led Hillary criticism on social media. My (former friends) skewed younger and mid 20s, and many of them went HARD for Bernie with quite a few being Bern or Busters. And yeah tons of them had really misogynistic comments about her, and many were circulating the very BS that the Russian trolls were pumping out. That's part of why I cut ties with a lot of them. They just wouldn't drop debunked garbage.

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I dunno about him, but you are aware your advocate for truth is a fascistic asshat, right?

This isn't a hill worth dying on. Not for him.

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What the hell are you blabbering on about?

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Yes, the Democrats are losing their reputation as enablers. I'm sure your Russian masters really hate that.

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"Advocate for truth"?


He's a blackmailing rapist with power issues.

He's not Nelson Mandela.

He's Charles Augustus Milverton.

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I'll wake you up for snack time. It's a banana!

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Actually you've been identified as the russian counter agent who stirs up their propaganda while living in denial.

Enablers? Like "Impeachment is off the table" (Bush) and "It's just not worth it" (tRump) and "the green whatever" (corporate)? The Republicans have a friend in her.

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Oh, I see, anyone who doesn't follow your train of thought is obviously less evolved, as obviously the protein-rich slurry they feed trolls as part of their rations obviously is good for you.

Argue the goddamned point instead of changing the subject. What does Hillary have to do with anything resembling what you're claiming to be a great protestor against the establishment? She didn't actually win, so how the hell is she the establishment?

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No. But good for you, giving it the old Russian college try. Hillary proved the failure of moving right.

Go left, for once. Or is that verboten in Russia?

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Friend in who, comrade?

Premiere! The bot is needing the replacements, it circuits melting and spitting out the nonsense sequitors!

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Did you sleep thru Nancy's tenure protecting Republicans?

"Impeachment is off the table" (Bush) and "It's just not worth it" (tRump) and "the green whatever" (corporate).

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And you're defending a man who is a member of the alt-right with screaming about Hillary.

Your incomplete lib-rerul hyoo-man programming is showing, scrapheap.

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